In order to recommend Amac to friends, I have no address to tell them.
I don't know how our address will help you in recommending AMAC to your friends. I suggest Sharing our Website or if you become an Ambassador and request some brochures and other information you can hand out.
I looked all over the Amac Newletter, but NOTHING. Is it a secret?
It shouldn't be too difficult to find, most websites list the address of the organization on the 'Contact' page which is where ours is listed too.
If you go to the Website then on the navigation bar all the way to the right it says 'Contact Us' here it lists both our NY and FL address. Here is the direct link
Also at the very bottom of each newsletter is shows the NY address aswell.
I would think that an organization that is looking for new members, you would put your address on top. NEXT TO THE BANNER!
Again I'm not sure how our address would assist in gaining new members. Most of our information and membership is done via Online or the Phone. Any membership done via mail means that the member recieved the information from a brochure at a show or from an ambassador or they requested it from us over the phone or e-mail.
Milo Gardner
I hope this information helps Milo!
"It's amazing how much can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan