I've gotten a long, political eMessage from Rand Paul several times now, the same kind (the long, long ranting messages) I get spammed with by him and a lot of other groups in regular email, except that Rand Paul is now sending me this stuff VIA AMAC'S MEMBER MAILING LIST. The message disclaimer at the top says AMAC sends out PRODUCT OR SERVICE announcements to its members via this email system, but Rand Paul is not a product or service - he's a politician, and in addition to his message, he is asking for a financial contribution. This is not the stated purpose of these eMessages and I have contacted AMAC several times to let them know that I oppose their use of this member list to promote a particular politician. I get a reply telling me I can opt out, but that is not my point - we are a member-driven organization and I don't want favoritism of ANY politician via our email, and I don't think the majority of the members do either. I have no objection to AMAC taking the information and summarizing or expanding the info in an article for their weekly compiled eMessage or on their website, or in the quarterly magazine, but they should not allow an individual candidate to use the member mailing list for spamming us with a personal message. If you agree, the next time you get a spam from Rand Paul via AMAC, forward the email to info@amac.com and at the top of the forwarded letter, add a comment like this:
Rand Paul’s messages ARE NOT A PRODUCT OR SERVICE as your disclaimer states – they are a political cause and request for funding. No politicians should be spamming us through the AMAC members email list. Summarize it on AMAC's website or in AMAC's weekly eblast, or provide a link to the politician’s site, but NO FAVORITISM TO OUR MAILING LIST FOR ANY POLITICIAN! Thank you.
If we, as an organization, support opposition to the liberal cause and NAME those who support them then can we not offer up proponents of our conservative cause. Not to single out one, but all who support us including their offered solutions? Didn't we leave AARP in droves. We are the alternative and we need to name names (as many as we can identify). How about more specifics on the remaining candidates including how to support them financially.