Hi all. I am new to this forum. Hopefully, I won't encounter the derrogatory and crude remarks that I put up with for a long time in another forum. At any rate, I found the Coca-Cola Commercial rather abrasive. While I understand Coca-Cola wants to demonstrate that they are politically correct and keep their corner on the market by airing a "diversified" commercial, but I tend to agree ... we speak "English" in this country. Their is nothing wrong with showing diversity, but there is something very wrong if we cannot take pride in our own language in our country.
It is true that the commercial is abrasive to most conservatives but the country is going more lib every day so Caca-cola is just trying to stay alive. It's not their fauld but ours and welcome home.
Fully agree, we use to call us the "melting pot" where everyone became an American. One of the worse thing the elected officials in DC have done is to required everything in two or more languages. Now no one has the need to learn English, which is the "world" language for air traffic as well as other things. Enjoy our heritage; but, become an American. It will pay many returns for you and your family.