I am a blessed 65 year old. Blessed because of the best friend and wife who I have been with for more than 45 years. Two great sons and 3 grand daughters.
I am a retired State Trooper from NW Connecticut. Currently self employed as a legal consultant.
I am a retired Trucker,married for 41 years this coming Feb.23rd.I am a Viet-Nam veteran and a Cnstitutional/Conservative/Reaganite/Republican I love my country and it's Constitution.I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment and am a life member of the N.R.A.I am also an Honorary member of the Pennsylvania Sheriff's Association,and life member of the V.F.W. and the D.A.V.
I am the Person Of Contact for the OATH KEEPERS in my area and strongly suggest you and all freedom loving law enforcement officers and firefighters and veterans active or retired join this Organization.Unlike the current administration,WE KEEP OUR OATH!. Once again welcome to AMAC!.