Video Report - America In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Detroit
Boston University Economics Professor, Laurence Kotlikoff, says, “The country is in worse fiscal shape by many miles than Detroit. So, the country is essentially bankrupt.”
Dr. Kotlikoff estimates the long term debt and liabilities of America are more than $200 trillion!
He is spearheading a bill in Congress called The Inform Act in an attempt to wake up the nation to our dire financial situation so something can be done to fix this enormous problem. Dr. Kotlikoff explains, “The bill has been endorsed by over 1,000 economists, including 15 Nobel Prize winners in economics . . .
The Inform Act in an attempt to wake up the nation
The problem is that the majority of people in this once great nation as so asleep as to what is really going on that no amount of prodding will get them off their fat asses to do something about this problem.
I hate to sound so cynical, but I call it the way I see it.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
I have no intention of giving up. I was speaking out of sheer frustration.
I have spent many hours and a fair amount of money to support my ideas and those candidates who represent them, locally, regionally, and nationally.
Perhaps you could tell me then how to light a fire under the majority of voters who either don't care or prefer the socialism we currently have in Washington.
Ted Cruz and the others can talk all they want, but it seems that they are having no effect on the voters that are needed to be convinced so things can actually change. They can preach to the choir all they want, but that is not who needs to be listening and changing their ideas.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
we must start by replacing "R" and "D" with "P" and "C" since the real fight for constitutional values is between the progressives and conservatives with the majority of both "R"s and "D"s in DC being "P"s
if it were my call, I would jump on this present opportunity of progressives and "D"s failure with an all out assault in all 20 senate races for next year, including replacing McConnell, Graham, Enzi and Alexander, then fire Boehner and his hand maidens, impeach Obama, overturn Obamacare, stop the nonsense with subsidies and welfare being "mandated expenses" in the budget process, have the senate declare "Natural Born Citizen" to mean born to TWO citizen parents (even though this excludes Ted Cruz) and get our country back on track in the true constitutional conservative meaning of on track
stop the nonsense of only talking about screwing over the elderly and retired (SSA and Medicare) every time there is a discussion about entitlements and start talking about agricultural subsidies, food stamps, housing assistance, job assistance and all the other 10,000 assistance programs - I am not sure which is worse, the corporate welfare or the hand out welfare, but I do know that changing our present approach of subsidy to being import taxes will add money to the coffers instead of more debt
That's where I would start, then institute a 10% reduction in the federal work force for each year until we are at 50% of the present 5,000,000 direct employee burden and ever lasting benefits programs
Then, on the second day, I would get serious about eliminating the debt
47% of the populace will not like what I say or do, but that 47% minority has brought us to where we are today as the 53% remain silent and allow it to happen - the 53% spoke in 2010 and I believe they will speak again in 2014, and it will be on the side of true conservative values and NOT the BS put out by the Karl Rove's of the world
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
Remember how many admitted they voted for Obama just because he was black and it was cool to do so. Do you really think you can reach airheads like that?
How many vote for the democrats because they give them more stuff than the republicans?
How many vote only on snippets they see on the liberal media?
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
That sounds good, but what does it mean, and how can this be expected to work in our current situation?
I believe we both want the same thing, your basic idea is sound, but no one has ever given me the nuts and bolts of how to actually do what you have proposed. I have posed similar questions to others and unfortunately no one to date has yet been able to show me how to do this in real life, not just semantically.
Can you?
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
Bob, YOU are an example of what I am doing - just about every day we send out our opine or a reprint of like minded opine which is where you found this post and responded with your question and concern
We (conservatives) will NOT win this battle or win this war if we do not reach out to the 35% of the electorate who claim to be independent - they are the key to change - and they are open to FACTUAL data regarding the current slide towards fascism in the USA - if it hits them in the pocketbook then we get their attention
Our daily (or almost daily) rant on the consequences of electing some clown like obama reaches out to some 20,000 folks through the various mailing lists, forums, facebook and twitter pages we post to - I recommend you do something similar
obama and his ilk have every right to think, speak and act as communists, socialists or fascists in our Constitutional Society, and it is incumbent on you and I to shine the light of truth on their lies and distortions for those who are less engaged in the daily combat for the hearts and minds of the people
Build your mailing list and start adding as many independents as you can find to pass the word along - YOU have that power and it DOES make a difference
Do you have a blog or website you can use as a communication vehicle ? we can help you set one up
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
Here's an idea: I don't wish to get any taxpayer in the future I see the Taxpayers Union. If the Union says "Strike" we all ban together and not pay our Income Taxes come April 15th. That will surely wake up those politicans in Washington, DC and it would make them pay attention to the way they spend out money foolishly. What? Are they going to arrest all us taxpayers? Here is another idea: Abolish the IRS, with the "Fair Tax". Fair for the rich, the poor, and the middle class. Makes sense to me. Make sense to you?