Listening to the U.S. Senate proceedings on Nov. 22, 2013, I was struck by the reciting of the pledge of allegiance, and the fact that we have taken saying the pledge of allegiance to our country out of our schools... we no longer teach loyalty to our children. I would thus venture to say that this is why today we are seeing treasonous activities such as those by Edward Snowden... our young people today do not understand the importance of loyalty to the safety and freedom which they enjoy in this their country which affords so much privilege and opportunity to its citizens.
We need to put loyalty back into the vocabulary of our youth if we are to see our hard won freedoms and safety preserved.
More importantly we need to put God, as supreme leader, back into the lives of our youth. If we know God, we know what it means to strive to be loyal... to live and adhere to higher principles.
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