People may like to throw around rhetoric about how congress is broken, but I would rather see these battles being fought out in congress, than in the streets among the people, like you see in other countries. Congress is representative of the state of our nation today. If the fighting in congress is disallowed... if their hands are allowed to be tied... the fighting will move to the streets. I do not think that is what we want as a country, for our country, or as a people, for the people. What this country currently lacks is a president that truly has the interests of this country as it stands, as it was founded, at heart. What this country currently has is a leader that seems only to seek to bring down this nation. When battles are taking place in congress it is meant to be the elected executive leader's job to unite them. This executive leader contributes to the division and exerts no efforts in the art of negotiation and compromise, on his own home soil, but has no qualms about selling us away in compromise on the world scene, to those who are vehemently and vociferously opposed to us as a country.
@ Clynn - I would only add that it is not only obama, but the whole of the institution that is now more progressives versus conservatives than D vs R
Did you know that the House and Senate "R"s actually vote with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi 33% of the time, while the "D"s in the Senate vote in a conservative manner just 3% of the time and 16% in the House - THAT is the problem
I whole heartedly agree with you. Who in Congress will put him or herself in the line of fire, to implement the charges? There will be no action, until the people in the streets start it. There has not been enough people hurt yet, for them to take to the streets. When they do this summer, it will be ugly.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian."
Henry Ford
Nov.5 2014 is the KEY,we need to take back 6 seats in the Senate and we must hold onto the House or we will lose our country to the SOCIALISTS.The Republican party must get it's act together ASAP and start focusing on the anti American Socialist agenda.
You are right Nov. 2014 is our time to take back the senate. But we can't look to the GOP any longer there is way too many libs and Socialists there at this point we just need to elect conservatives from any party you can find one. And perhaps later we can form a true conservative party just my 2 cents.
I agree Tinman - look at Cornyn (from my state!)! He is running re-election ads now that say he is fearlessly standing against Obama. Seems to me he's standing fearlessly against Ted Cruz, but voting pretty regularly for the dem agenda!
So sticking to just GOP candidates is not the answer, unless they are true conservatives dedicated to less federal government and less power and money to elected officials. But I don't know if we'll ever change this convoluted system!
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian." Henry Ford
The problem is the elected officials, both parties, have made it so easy not to work and be better off than individuals working. We must stop the abuse. I want to help the ones that truly need help; but, not the ones who are able to work but elect not too. Now, it will only get worse, when individuals can get free or low cost medical care. Everyone with a job, will be paying. It is getting so bad, now some officials are openly saying "it is better that some people are not working". Just another way to "buy" elections. Kick them out in 2014 and look at impeachment in 2015 since the president is "changing" laws and does not have the right to do so. Again, where are the men and women in DC? It is their job to make sure the constitution is not broken by the president. Where is the legal challenge? Answer - NO WHERE.