November 2014 is the key,we must vote in order to save our country.We need to gain 6 seats in the Senate and we must hold onto the House,every vote counts.
the 2010 midterms were a clear conservative mandate from the people, only to have the establishment punish and marginalize the new conservative members of the House - It is my opinion that we must ALSO replace McConnell and Boehner and the inbreeds of the beltway at the same time we dispose of the obamacare voters
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
Conservatives must pay attention to Tea Party candidates. If we support the conservatives we can take the Senate and retain the House. With that done in 2016 we need to put forth a strong conservative for President. Then and only then we will have the opportunity to take back our country and restore the Constitution.
ALL Tea Party Candidates are conservative, which is something you can't say about the Republican party.
I will vote for any Tea Party Candidate over a so-called conservative Republican every time. Just look how many Republicans have shown their true liberal colors lately. Christie is at the top of that heap.
And the so-called leadership of the Republican party, what a bunch of wusses. They do whatever the democrats want and then make it sound like it was a victory for the Republicans. NONE of them deserves to be re-elected either.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.