The Theater of the Absurd - OR - Washington DC
For those of you that have about all you can take of the buffoons in Washington DC, let me tell you a little about my banana republic
Have you ever seriously considered doing what you want to do instead of what you have to do ?
are you fed up with a leader who says out loud that he intends to change America into something other than a Constitutional Republic ?
a Congress where the village idiots must vote yes to mean no and no to mean yes ?
local, county, state and federal taxes that are NEVER enough, so they keep piling on more ?
a Federal Reserve that manipulates the value of your dollars so that you never get ahead ?
is it time to take control of your life and lifestyle ?
talk to us about investing what you have while you still have it
see for some ideas
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse