SS is not an entitlement, we all paid for it, its our money. However, king Obama will do as he pleases, he knows he can get away with it, the press is backing him up and the 47% on the government tit will support him. There are no cojones in Washington to start a well deserved and appropiate impeachment procedure. Welcome to the USSR of America.
INEPTOCRACY: A system of government where the least capable to lead is elected by the least capable to produce, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
SS is not an entitlement, we all paid for it, its our money. However, king Obama will do as he pleases, he knows he can get away with it, the press is backing him up and the 47% on the government tit will support him. There are no cojones in Washington to start a well deserved and appropiate impeachment procedure. Welcome to the USSR of America.