Watching this for the first time you will feel McCain might be serious about retiring in 2016.
The reaction to it from virtually ALL conservatives, even those who have criticized Cruz for his “defund” strategy, was more uniformly, stridently negative than the response to any other display of McCain progressiveness in recent memory.
And understandably so: There’s no reason for McCain to go out and carry Obama and Reid’s water on this except his own antipathy to Cruz, Lee, Paul, and the other “wacko birds.”
It’s not merely the betrayal, it’s the pettiness of it. More so than even Mitch McConnell or Boehner, McCain has become public enemy number one among RINOs for tea partiers. He’ll have a ferocious primary challenge in three years, and if he intends to defeat it, at some point he’ll have to start making nice with the Cruz contingent.
I think he’d rather quit and enjoy the rest of his term sticking thumbs in their eyes ? - what say you ?