30 minute discussion of whether and how to defeat Obamacare between the conservative point of view expressed by Senator Mike Lee and the conventional point of view expressed by consultant Karl Rove
Rove makes his point that the Senate will simply add back Obamacare and send the Continuing Resolution back to the House, and that we (Republicans) had a disaster in the government shutdown of 1995
We respond -
When the House sends the Continuing Resolution for government operations (except Obamacare) to the Senate they will let it be known publicly that sufficient funding is made available for operation of the entire Federal Government but Obamacare must be dealt with independently, since Obama and his people are still changing the rules and selectively choosing which part of the law to follow and which part of the law to delay - this is a legal issue which must be resolved before any funding is committed to the entitlement called Obamacare
Regarding a Government shutdown, Rove is just plain wrong in his assertion that it will be a disaster if Republicans "cause" or get "blamed" for a shutdown - we have presented the true facts about 1995 at www.us1.me/130807
in the very next midterm election, the Republicans GAINED 2 Senate seats and lost only 4 House seats
Our bottom line = we agree with Senator Lee and would put the pressure on the Senate Democrats, Harry Reid and Obama to fund the Government without Obamacare or LET THEM shut down the Government and try to blame the Republicans - which, by the way, they are going to do anyway
Enough of the establishment conventional wisdom which has lost every battle and war with Obama - it is time to stand and fight for principles
Mike Lee vs. Karl Rove on funding of Obamacare > www.us1.me/130814
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
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AMAC Forum -> Politics -> Sean Hannity Radio > Mike Lee vs. Karl Rove on funding of Obamacare