My name is Stephen but I am using the moniker FOTH (Fool On The Hill) to make it easier for other members to distinguish me from other Stephens who might post here. I have recently had my 65th birthday and my wife of 47 years has had her 64th. In as much as we are united-as-one we are now 64 ½. I am a retired police officer with 33 years of service. My wife is a Homemaker and says that she doubts she will ever be retired. I suspect she is probably right.
We are both Christians and life-long conservatives. We have three children, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. After God and Family, our love and devotion to our County is one of our daily concerns. We are sickened by what has been done and is being done to the government, culture, and society that our children and their children will spent their lives in. We have rededicated ourselves, our time and energies into doing what we can to turn things around.
During the past election cycle, running on a Tea-Party platform, I was elected to the position of Precinct Committee Officer to represent the GOP in my local precinct. While I believe that grassroots participation (some would say, activism) is absolutely required in the task of setting things right, it is not enough. I believe that the churches and other faith-based organizations also have vital roles to play. My wife and I will attempt to be instrumental in those directions also.
Beyond that, my wife and I travel a lot—almost exclusively by car. Since retirement we have driven more than 140,000 miles into and through all the lower Forty-eight States.I was not able to find sufficiently large balloon tires so we flew to Hawaii. We plan, (if The Lord be willing) to drive to Alaska in the next few years.We love seeing this great County and we love the people in it. Including those who, through their being misguided and uniformed, contribute so much to the national problems we now face.
Welcome, Stephen, from a Steve(n). Thank you very much for your public service, both as a police officer and in your new role in politics!
Enjoy your retirement and keep up the good work in doing your part to make your little corner of the USA a better place. I wish I lived in a community full of "Fools on the Hill!"