If you believe in what our forefathers created, and believed in, contact your represenatives and tell them to support what you believe in. Removal or even restricting the Second Amendment will only hurt the honest citizen. There is no way that criminals will turn in ANY working weapons. Also, if the Second Amendment is removed, who, or what is stopping the removal of the First Amendment.
This government has already passed a law that allows citizens to be arrested and detained without charges, (National Defense Authorization Act), By doing nothing, all the things our forefathers beileved in, and passed on to us are being taken away. Contact your Congressman and tell them to act to save this country, not sit idily by...
It wouldn't do any good in my case -- my US House Rep is the honorable Gary Peters (NDAA: "nay;" http://peters.house.gov/), my US Senators are the honorables Carl Levin (NDAA: sponsor and "aye" vote; http://www.levin.senate.gov/) and Debbie Stabenow (NDAA: "aye;" http://www.stabenow.senate.gov/) and my state Rep and Senator are like-minded individuals. Now, of course, they would all likely say (perhaps even in all honesty) that they feel they do believe in what I believe and are even acting accordingly, it's just that we disagree on that! Actually, were they to change their positions to match mine, I would have even less respect for them, since they represent a district/ state that overwhelmingly agrees with them (which is why they were elected).