The GOP has sold out to king obummer. No wonder they are losing members and support. I'm ashamed to be a member of a bunch of cowards, self-serving bureaucrats. The socialists/liberals Democratic party led by racist anti-american obummer has won again. Shame on the GOP.
"You have never lived
Until you have almost died
For those who fight for it
Life has a flavor the "protected" will never know."
Vietnam Vet
Dec66 - March69
The cliff was not averted. All this is window dressing and the cliff only gets higher. We will fall off and every day that passes without real solutions to the defiict spending only makes it worse. The tax hikes just agreed to basically raises enough money in 2013 to pay for the damage from Hurricane Sandy. It does absolutely nothing to the exploding deficit spending.
Yep, a staggering running jump off the debt cliff with two surprise votes, Eric Cantor of Virginia against, Paul Ryan, once the voice of fiscal reality, for. A sad and unnecessary blow to the republic.
"I'm ashamed to be a member of a bunch of cowards"
I agree. I no longer consider myself a member of the Republican Party. Most of them have turned into a bunch of wusses led around Washington by the nose by democratic leaders. They lack the leadership, intelligence, and drive to defeat the evil we currently have in the White House. Why would we continue to support a failing cause?
At this juncture the Tea Party is the best alternative. (Yes I know all about them not being able to win a presidential election at this time.) They can and do win other elections. We have to make the change sooner or later because the Republican party, as we would like it to be, is truly impotent.
The sooner we energize another group with good candidates and some financial support the sooner they can move on to complete the job which must to be done if the nation is to survive in the manner in which we believe it should, that is free, not socialist.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
Although I was never a member of the Republican party, I believe it might be more feasible for conservatives to recapture it (as we did in 1964, 1980, 1994 and nearly in 2010) than it would be to launch a new political party and grow it to a size that can contest for control of either or both houses of Congress and/ or the Presidency.