Please; no one take offense, I am not making light of what happened at that school last week. It was terrible. But this article makes about as much sense, as gun Controls.
If I was the captain's and Gilligan? This picture would piss me off !! Obama/Biden If only very were lost on a deserted island.
Last Friday was evidently International Maniac Congruence Day. In Newtown a 20-year-old loser — whose newspaper photo bears a striking resemblance to the SS Totenkoph insignia — shot and killed 20 elementary school students and six adults. While in Chenpeng, China, another maniac stabbed 22 children and one adult in an elementary school.
Yet there has been no outcry in China for more cutlery control and CNN International has not been broadcasting remote from outside the Henckels’ knife factory. In fact there has been scant coverage of the Chinese attack.
The obscure, knife–wielding Chinaman proves it’s not a weapon problem — it’s a maniac problem. For where there’s a maniacal will, there’s a maniacal way.
So in the wake of Newtown, I’ll endorse the first politician who designates schools as “maniac-free zones.” You may scoff, but this law will be just as effective as “gun-free zones” and has the added advantage of directly addressing the cause of the problem.
Obviously anyone who's read my post, know that I think Washington needs to pull there heads out of there a--.