As much as we might want to, we can't throw in the towel on America. It was our kinfolk that began this nation, that fought the battles against Britain and Mexico, the Civil War, gave aid and fresh soldiers to end a World conflict in 1917 and became a superpower because of the Greatest Generation! We may be outnumbered but it was our fighting spirit that birthed this nation and we may be tasked to rebuild it again.
Losing a battle is not losing a war.There are still millions of good soldiers out there.Hang on America, the fat lady is not even in the building yet!
I recommend that we who believe and support conservatism must now show those people and businesses that supported Obama and his LIBERAL followers that ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! I have removed all so-called friends and relatives that supported or voted for Obama from my email and Facebook “friends” I refuse to communicate with them as we have nothing in common. I am also boycotting ALL businesses that supported Obama and refuse to buy products or services adverted on NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS or in AARP publications. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!! I request that all good American businesses that supported Romney, openly and publicly declare their support of Conservatives and that we support them by patronizing their businesses. This is the ONLY way we will finally get to the brains of these mentally damaged people!
Obama did win, but I figure I'll look at it this way.Obama won by only 2,822,460 votes out of 118,340,754 total votes. He did not win by a landslide. That means that nearly half the country does not like him, did not want him back in, and we still have control of the house.
Next election maybe we can gain control of the Senate, and keep control of the House. Let's all pray that NONE of the conservative SCJs die or retire. In other words let's not throw in the towel yet. Let's keep fighting so that our soldiers overseas can come home to a country that they at least half way recognize.
Yes I know it will be a complete uphill battle, I know that Obama is as sneaky and underhanded as can be and we can trust him about as far as we can trust a riled up diamond back rattler, but it's not hopeless and we can still turn this around.
Let's not give up, let's fight, we've lost a battle and a bloody one, but the war isn't over yet. It's time to regroup, and prepare for the next fight. Hey, let's prove Obama right and show him just how stubborn we can be.Let's fight him on everything that he wants to shove down our throats.Let's hold our senators and congressmen’s feet to the fire and not let them get away with agreeing with Obama's agenda.Let's let them know that we are watching and they are under a magnifying glass. Most of all, let's PRAY for this nation, and PRAY that God puts roadblocks in front of Obama to keep him from further destroying this nation.
Never give up.... Anybody can quit. It takes........... guts to stay and fight. Also, I think as time passes you will find that OBAGGA did not win by such a wide margin, that many polling machnes were rigged bu the unions. Sooner or later someone will spill the beans.
Living in Los Angeles, it's easy for this conservative to feel like an old fool with no friends. But take heart y'all, there are great online communities we can join, where we get pep talks from others who refuse to allow America to descend into 3rd world status. Free Republic. Breitbarts many rooms. Media Research Center, Heritage Institute, American Thinker, American Enterprise, Renew America, and many more! Chin up, folks, the battle for America is NOT lost.