I guess no one else got it either.Ever see Planet of the Apes? The last scene of the movie is Charlton Heston( a staunch republican and previously president of the rifle association) riding a horse along a beach somewhere--suddenly, we see pieces of america floating along the ocean like pieces of rubbish- Lady Liberty's head and arms were broken off her base and were floating sideways on the water...I always thought that was was a sci fi movie- not a documentary...
I will tell her about the movie, I've forgotten all about it. But I bet she still doesn't get it anyway. Her head is still swollen with false pride, I doubt she realizes what a bad thing she's done. I wonder at, what age the realization will come about. She's all for the hope and change that Obama has been selling. When she finds out that it meant (we all hope that he would changes.) But a skunk cannot change its stride, and the smell only gets worse when he gets closer to you. Let's hope that the next four years does not smell as bad as past four years has.
Here's hoping the remaining in office republicans use these next 4 years to get their act together- for every trick that Obama uses, repubs have to use counter-moves- stall him in every way. I am disappointed in repubs- I feel they let me down(I am an independent but I aways vote republican- even when the don't have much to say, I guess..). We need a strong leader- like Bush or reagan--we have 4 years to find someone like that...good luck. God bless america, merry Christmas, Amen., I pledge allegiance... and in God we trust--repeat these words strongly and often for the next few years...