When speaking from the White House OBAMA DOES NOT HAVE THE AMERICAN FLAG behind him. In its place is a yellow banner containing Arabic symbols. What does this mean? After claiming that he (Obama) does not like the national anthem, says the flag is a symbol of oppression for some, now he no longer displays it in our nation's capital while speaking? Is the American Public aware of this?
American items we are familuar with are being replaced with items we have little or no knowlwdge of. Rather than ask what they are, or what they represent, the American public just accepts it, as its easier to "go along than to stand up for what you believe in." NOT ME!!! I love this country, I respect our flag, and will NEVER apologize for America.
AM tired of the lies, half truths, and what evers our current leaders put out. There had better be some serious changes made this election, or our way of life will end.
Because so many people don't want to "rock the boat". They don't want to offend anyone. I am 70 years old, and I run my flag up the pole every morning. I am proud to say its MY flag. I fought for it, I will defend it, and wish others felt strogly enough to defend it, and what it stands for. We need to get this scumbag out of office, and return to the values this country and our forefathers had.
We fly our Flag proudly hanging over our deck. We believe in our Flag, the military and their greatness. We also dislike Obama because the flag disappeared, also other symbols and traditions of this country while he pushes his muslim beliefs I believe as he apoligizes to them to every country in the world while not showing his supposedly christian beliefs. He is making our country weak and weaker yet. He also wasnt terriorists treated to trials like we are entitled too the ones overseas they are not Americans and not entitled to the same rights as we are especially after harming Americans in terror attacks. Hope Romney can get in and put this country on the right track again. I am afraid that the country cannot take another few months of Obama let alone 4 more years. We are extremely patriotic and wish more younger people were the same or are they my children are patriotic but not sure they get the same thrill out of the pledge of allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner that we do though I hope so ;)
The flag has NOT been removed from Air Force One...
The flag should be removed as long as an unamerican president is aboard. We need a president for all the epople, all the time, not one that sides with certain groups, muslims and fails to uphold the Constitution and ignores laws if it is convenient.
I sincerly hope that comment was not aimed at me. As a retired Marine of 27 years I know what those people died for, and do not show ANY disrespect for those that have fallen.
If you respect this country, its flag, and what this country stands for, then my friend you ARE a true American.