Today, over 100 million people (35 %) are receiving welfare payments.In 1962, that number was six percent.There are more workers on Social Security disability than at any other time in U.S. history.Almost nine million are collecting federal disability checks.In 2001, the number was five million.It seems there is a growing “you owe me” mindset in existence today.
Of coarse, not every worker on disability is abusing the system, and most have legitimate health issues, I know that.And not every family receiving welfare is taking advantage of the taxpayers.
But the trend is undeniable.Under President Obama, with his ”looting of the treasure,” American society has moved toward government dependence.
So, my answer to the above question is, yes, we are, indeed, becoming a nanny state.That’s the main reason we have $16 trillion of debt.That’s why the work place is stagnant.Individual ambition is on the decline.
Old Eagle I have to agree with you. Although I believe that there is an issue that is not often talked about or even discussed. I am speaking, of course, about the taxes we pay to the FED every year that is stealing from our families and ultimately causes a further deterioration of our economy. The FED tris to limit our growth to less than 5% per year. They do this by increasing interest rates to their family of FED banks around the country. This causes local banks to charge more to lend. They also cause deliberate inflation by printing more FRN's which they create out of thin air and then "LOAN" to our Government who then passes that new currency out to the banks to laon more Fiat currency which increases out nat'l debt.
Has anyone ever inquired as to what, exactly is paid by the "INCOME" tax? I mean are we building roads or bridges or battleships. Does this tax money go to pay down the principle on our debt? Would it surprise anyone that less than 4% goes to anything except the "INTEREST" on our nat'l debt? I know what my next statement is going to sound like but consider: In 1913 several things happened that changed the political and fiscal landscape of this nation. !. The Federal Reserve banking system was created. 2. The 17th amendment allowed the people of each state to elect their senators. 3. The personal income tax started.
Now lets draw some dot to dot lines and see if we can figure out why these 3 things happened at the same time. 1. FED started at Jeckyl Island. To give bankers a system whereby they and anyone they favored could become rich without risk. You may ask how were these bankers going to become rich through this system. Ask what happened in 1914? Hmmm, WWI. Now ask where was the banking center of the world in 1913. Uhhh, Europe. Now one final question, Do you think the bankers in Europe knew there was going to be a War? Soooo, who borrows from banks in wartime? Oh yeah, the countries at war. Do you suppose the bankers saw an opportunityy to get rich? THEY LOANED TO BOTH SIDES!!!! Okay, now lets look at #2. How did the 17th amendment change things? Well, accoeding to the US and state constitutions EACH STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES selected from among thier own numbers 2 representatives to represent that states interests at the Federal level. NOT ONLY WERE THESE REPRESENTATIVES selected by the states House the STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES could recall these "FEDERAL" Senators overnight if they were not following the states desires. NOW WHAT DO WE HAVE? Thats right Federal Senators that are almost impossible to recall. Now you also have to know where the greatest power lies at the Federal level, yep the SENATE. Finally lets tackle the 16th amendment "INCOME TAX" Why did we need an income tax when we didn't have one before. In fact the US Constitution forbid a tax on the labor of a man/(woman). So why in 1913was it needed? Well, some scholars will tell you it was to support the WAR effort. Hmmm., we were not at war in 1913. Do you think they knew something? Maybe. What else had changed? Oh yes the Federal Reserve System. Which, by the way, is neither Federal nor does it hold ANYTHING in reserve. Now what exactly did this NEW banking system do? In a nutshell, it allowed private bankers to control the US banking. It also allowed the CENTRAL BANK (read FED) to "Loan the US governent money at INTEREST" Now the FED created this "money" by letting the US print its own currency in the form of promisory notes thus, "Federal Reserve NOTE" (by the way ask yourself how you can pay a debt with a promise to pay NOTE?) So now the only money in circulation are Federal reserve notes that our government (can you say YOU) has to pay back at interest. NOW you have to follow this very closely, If all the money in circulation is borrowed money (it is) and you have to pay interest on this borrowed money every year, from where does the government get the money to pay the interest?
Here is an example Two men are the only two men on planet earth and a bank which holds all the money loans these two men 100 dollars each and the men promise to pay 10% interest at the end of the year plus all of the principle. That means that each man must pay 110 dollars to the bank at the end of the year. Ask yourself where is the $10 coming from to pay the interest on each loan? there is only $200 in circulation. Where is the money going to come from. Can you see the problem? Somebody just went bankrupt.
Well, do your own due diligence. This is one reason we need to auddit the FED and of course get rid of it. BTW the reason for the IRS is to collect the interest that is owed on the national debt. NOTHING IS FREE.
Hammer, I disagree with your statement, “Would it surprise anyone that less than 4% goes to anything except the ”INTEREST” on our nat’l debt?”According to Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Economy Watch, and many other sources, the breakdown of how our Income Tax monies are spent is, more or less as follows: