I think that we have a problem with it because the people that run it and make the laws for it do not have to live by the results of the law that they make. I feel that if we were to have all the law makers lose all of the special tthings they have and just have them live by the laws we would be able to correct Social Security as well as everything else. Take away the law makers special retirement package and healthcare package and have them retire and get medical through the system that everyone else has to use till they make it to medicare. And i feel that they have no right to run their own wages. When we go to work we get the wage that the employer gives us or go some where else. Well the law makers work for us. We should be running the pay scale, and we should have in that pay scale a clause that if we do not run a balanced budget then they should be reduced in pay 10% for every month out of balance down to minimum wage. They do not know how to run this country for they do not live in this country. they are above everything. If they do not pay taxes they get a hand slap. If we don't pay taxes then we go to court and then to jail. they are working to fix social security by cutting are services while spending the money in the fund. that does not sound like a fix it sounds like they want more money to spend for personel gains. I think we need to start making a lot of noise to the fact that they need to live by the same rules that they make for us.
Ral, We as citizens need to let these Congressman know what we want done, and if they cannot do it, that they will be REPLACED. Unfortunately we have sat back and just watched, and now are paying the price for "letting others do it". My Congressman, (Dingy Harry Reid) when sent an email reguarding an intrest in a certian area will either disreguard the email, or responde with something entirely different than what you asked about. (Kind of like AARP.)
The key is know whats going on, and get out and vote...