On 27 July, 2012, Hillary Clinton will sign the UN Arms Treaty as the representative of the President. The ATT, (Arms Trade Treaty) is being pushed as an arms treaty between nations, but the real agenda is domestic fire arms control. It is going to come down to registration and licensing of ALL firearms. By doing so, the government cam come to your home, and "inspect" the safety and actual ownership of your firearms. If deemed unsafe, the firearms can be confiscated. Ownership can be tied to mental and physical shape of the owner, and can be revoked in the name of safety.
In 1902 the Dick Act, (HR11654) was passed supposedly to protect gun ownership. The current administration is planning to revoke this law on behalf of the citizens of the U.S.
27 July may be come a dark day for America, and gun owners. Watch the news... Oh yes, the Olympics start on 27 July also.
The pressure from the NRA helped put a stop, (delay) in the planning of the UN to pass Arms Trade Treaty. Voting has been postphoned until the fall, (after elections?) or possibly later.
Atleast for awhile, we have some breathing room. We, as Americans have to realize that there are people out there that want to take our rights away. Watch the news for information when the UN will again attempt to remove all weapons from the American people. Remember, unarmed people are easy to control.