If people continue as they have been, this guy will get back in the White House, not because he was most popular, but because most people did not go and vote. Those people that are receiving freebies will make it to the polls to insure they keep getting the goodies. Those that are paying for the free stuff will stay home, and complain about how unfair it is.
If Barack obama is re-elected for a 2nd term, the United States may never be the same, and it probably will not be able to re-capture its once respected status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind!
Sorry I,ve Been so quiet but when school got out for the summer, I also got an offer on my home, so my wife and I have been up in the wind and homeless for the last two months.We are just getting settles here in north Texas. But you guys are right IF we want to save our county we need to come together in November. The one who sent me this viedo workes for sheriff Joe out in Az. He can,t post himself at this time(job position/requires that he stay neutral). But I'm glad that he allows me to pass along this good information. It's up to all members of AMAC to get the word, keep reading, writing and keep up the pressure to get everyone out to vote November O-M-G Obama go!!!