It appears that this country's state of affairs is continuing down the toilet with today's decision by our supreme court. With every decision our courts make we are sliding more and more to the left. The american people are allowing this to happen. It is time to turn our flags upside down and stop pledging the allegiance to a flag that no longer represents a Constitution of the people, by the people and for the people. Our government has become a self-serving cancer that exempts themselves from the laws they pass. I feel it is time to create another country and allow this one to follow the Greeks, Spanish and Germans.
I love this country. I gave 27 years of my life to this country. I honestly cannot believe that so many people are willing to sit back and let the ideals from socialist and liberals determine what will happen.
What happened to the pride people had in their country, and the flag of that country? We are letting someone else determine our future. We are letting our children, and our children's children down.
People wanted freedom from oppression, and freedom to be all they could be. Schools today teach that a child should only be as good as the next child. That the should not try to excel, only be as good as.
A guy named William Penn said it best. "Equal men are not free, and free men are not equal." Stand up for your country, fly your flag,. Once again become a PROUD AMERICAN, and excel...
It appears that the constitutional limitations of our government's power over its citizens have again been violated by the recent SCOTUS ruling on the health care bill. Not only has the court upheld the clearly unconstitutional provisions in the bill, but to do so they have exceeded their constitutional powers by changing the wording in the bill. All three branches of our government have now demonstrated their willingness to violate the sanctity of the constitution to accomplish partisan socio-political and economic goals.
Has the fat lady finally sung the death dirge for the U.S. constitution? We still have an election in Novermber which could result in the repeal of the bill, but the problem with the lack of integrity of our elected and appointed government officials still remains. If the governmental disrespect for the constitution is a reflection of american attitudes, nothing will change and we may very be witnessing the end of our individual freedoms.
Philos01, , Unfortunately, I feel you are right, if an election is held at all, it will be rigged, and once again, the dead will vote. Personally, I feel that no election will be held, and those currently in power will remain, and further slide us closer to a socialistic state.
The handwriting has been on the wall for many years. The American people have become more and more tolerant of accepting socialist practices, (can't we all get along?) and not standing up for what this great country stood for. Some felt it was easier to give in "just a little" than to argue or fight for what was right.
Remember back in the 50's when some people were saying, just feed the bear your arm, and he will leave the rest of you alone? We stood up them and said no way, but today we are willing to just give in "a little".
I blame our generation, and our children's teachers for what we have today. We did not fight for what those around us stood for, and believed in. Those few of us that are willing to stand against those that want our freedoms are hard pressed to convince others to join us. Some say they are too old, others say it too late, others think that this will pass.
The Greeks, Romans, and other civilizations lasted around 200 years, and then crumbled. We in America, are in the crumbling state. It is sad, but some of us may die for a dream that will be lost to history.
All it takes to allow the progressives in our country to take over is to do nothing. What it takes to stop them requires actions from all of us who love our country and what it is supposed to stand for. One way to begin the action to return to the America we all love is to go into the voting booth this November and vote against every incumbent on the ballot. Do this regardless of your political affiliation. Do the very same thing in November of 2014 and when we do it again in 2016 the people we send to Washington will know where their power comes from. It comes from "We The People" and it is time to illustrate that to the ones we elect to do what is best for the entire country.
I completely agree. We must get out the vote. This year, and every election year. Our forefathers gave us a way to keep this country strong, all we have to do is VOTE!!!
It is so gratifying to know that there are still people out there willing to speak out against what is happening right now. Personally, I think our age group (over 60) will be ok for our lifetime, but my kids and grandkids will not have a USA like we have known if the present trend is not stopped. I also believe that voter fraud could rear its ugly head again. Harry Reid was elected by illegal aliens and dead people. B. Hussein Obama was elected by Kool-Aid drinkers, racist groups, dead people and illegal aliens. How many people have you witnessed who still believe in that idiot?
Right now I am at a family reunion and just for fun decided to canvas those attending, many of whom are old school Democrats. Only one idiot still says they would vote for him. I am CONVINCED that if a fair election were held today he would lose in one of the biggest landslides in history. However, I do not think, without serious reform that this can happen. Did you all see the hidden video camera example of a guy who went to the polls and voted with a fake name several times?? He even tried to show identification and they kept telling him to put it away. Then there is this one:
I am very glad to see this forum. I dared to decry AARP on an RV forum (Escapees) and was basically banned from posting. So, they are still out there.......
Yes, we must get out the vote. There will be tons of illegals and unsuspecting folks lured to the booth with offers of free booze, etc. And, work toward the requirement of ID requirements to vote!!
I've written a book CHRONICLING OBAMA -Our First Media Elected President. Easy-to-read compilation of over 140 "letters to the editor" during Obama's tenure......all published by 7 local newspapers. It's available from me,, on Amazon. com or Barnes and Noble.