After a re-call, our Governor, yesterday, was re-elected to remain in office.
Despite union thugs from all over the country descending on our state, teachers demanding an almost free ride regarding benefits, unlimited outright lies in ads (most of which could easily be disproven if one would just check out the facts), money rolling in from liberals and socialists across the country, and liberal media supporting the liberal candidate......
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
I was very glad to see Walker win. Unfortunately, Kelly lost to Barber in the Gabby Giffords special election in Tucson this month, and we will be stuck again with another tax and spend, big debt, big government liberal, but that actually reflects how most Tucsonans believe life should be. Pima County here is essentially a socialist state, very environmental and anti-business, anti-mining, and anti-jobs. Who knew?