Hello fellow Amac members! My name is Sue and I've just recently joined this Amac team! I'm "retired" but haven't seemed to find the time to enjoy it. LOL I've worked all my life (except when my children were little and until they went to school). I got fired (for the first time in my life) in October 2014 and it took me 2 1/2 weeks to find another job. During that time, I was so busy trying to get another job that I forgot that I'm 64 years young and my first SS check was coming in November of 2014. I felt that I was forced to retire early because of the termination and I did a little panic attack wondering what I was going to do now---financially, that is. Filled out all the paperwork and got that done and the next day I started on line hiring techniques. I have no marketing skills so I have to rely on minimum wage jobs. But, minimum wage is better than no wage. I've always been a hard working individual and I haven't learned to slow down even with all my aches and pains but who here doesn't have that!?! LOL Well, didn't intend to go into that much detail when all you really wanted to hear was that I am a wife, mother of two grown children (43 and 41) and a grandma of two of the most precious grandchildren ever (but we all feel that way---LOL). My lovely granddaughter is will be 9 in February and then the day after she turns 9, my grandson will turn 6. Funny how that turned out (their birthdays being a day apart but 3 years difference)!!
I joined Amac because of it's beliefs. Faith, family and freedom are very important to me. I also like the idea of being a conservative place to come hang out!
So, just stopping by to say "hi" and warning you that I'll be back. ROFLOL
Hello Sue, I'm welcome to the forum. My name is Ed(64) and my wife is Ginny(59) My wife was born and raised in ST Louis. I brought her from there and made her my bride in Alabama. Together we have 5 children, ages 18 to 43; 6 grandchildren ages 3 to 24 and another due in April. I am a 20 year Air Force retiree recently retired Postal worker, drawing early SS. I have worked as an Electrician, Power Lineman, Plumber and Electronics Technician. For a few years, we raised and bred cutting horses. Now I'm just RETIRED.... with 5 horses, 3 Shepard dogs and 10 barn cats with2 house cats. My wife and I are both conservatives and find what the Left are doing to our country to be outrageous. I've been researching living overseas the past 3 to 4 years. If you are interested in the idea of living better on less, email me and I will gladly share my research from Internationalliving.com in the form of word documents describing the countries that I plan to check out with my wife this year.
Glad to have met you here. Talk to you later I hope...Ed
I thank you for the hardy welcome. Makes me feel like I'm home.
You have quite the family there, Ed. Five children, almost 7 grandchildren and retired from the Air Force. My husband's cousin was also in the Air Force. She was a Major General (is that right) and has dedicated her entire life to the AF. She's recently retired herself. VERY interesting woman.
I think we're down to about 20 outside cats, one inside and a dog. ALL spoiled rotten!
I also feel the left is doing things to this country that our Forefather's never saw coming. I can't start this conversation here as this is just a welcome page, Maybe I'll see you on another part of the forum.