It is my pleasure to introduce my self as a new delegate for the CA 01 district represented by Doug LaMalfa. Please introduce your self and let's exchange ideas on how AMAC can make more of an impact in our state and federal governments.
I have been a life long Republican and am an early baby boomer. I enjoy listening to talk radio with Rush Limbaugh and Tom Sullivan being my favorites. I also watch Fox News and catch O'Reilly whenever I can.
Now that I am semi-retired I can find more time to be involved at the grassroots level in California.
Please contact me regarding any issues you have with AMAC and I hope to hear from you soon. Here is a link to a Facebook page I have created -
Join me there to stay current on Northeastern California events and issues.
Let me say Welcome. I am not a delegate, but am an Ambassador, and like you, I am always looking at ways to make a better, stronger impact in State and National politics.
My primary concern is helping AMAC grow, and making the word AMAC a common household word. Am always looking for ways to put AMAC information and ideas in front of the public. O have taken the AMAC mag to different veterans organizations, doctors offices, oil change places, car repair facilities, and always leave a mag and an application or two with the mag. Have also asked different businesses if they give AMAC discounts, some do, most do not, because they have not hear of our fine organization.
AM always looking for ideas, got any to share?
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AMAC Forum -> Pacific -> Hello from CA01 - AMAC delegate - Rich Bergstedt