I live north of kingman out in the middle of the desert. Any body nearby? The politics here are awful, the rattlesnakes on one side and the cyote's on the other. All I ever hear is howling and hissing complaints......
Pix is of the back yard of our house.....
-- Edited by lonfu on Wednesday 12th of February 2014 06:54:23 PM
sounds like quit the adventure. The housing prices sound about the same as here. I live in a 2200 sq footer with a 2400 sq foot garage on 54 acres. tax man says it would sell for 114k. Prices here are usually about $50 per sq foot for used stick built. New construction right now is selling for about $80 per sq foot including the land. Your land taxes do sound like they are a lot less. we get about 300 sushine days and 6 inches of rain per year as I'm sure you remember. I live out of town a bit so we had to fence in to prervent the cattle from scratching on our house as it is open range out here. Needless to say the rattler's are always a concern starting in March, but then I'm sure you get a few down there along with a few mosquitos and such. My mold allergies don't bother me here. Nah, I think I'll just keep on waking up and admiring the view of my back yard.
Sounds like it is a great adventure, one of the reasons I moved here was it was completely different from the SF bay area. So what do you do for entertainment? Swing through the trees? Fish? I've heard there are casinos in costa rica?
All through I've limited tree experiance I understand there is 2 distinct swinging styles, the Tarzan style and the Bomba method. Which are you? I'm more the margirita style myself......