Call me new and confused.... but if you check the Amac "List All Users"... that's where well I was shocked to see that there are MORE Non-US users... here's just a short list to demonstrate a FEW of what I noticed when I selected the List All Users....only 1285 US users and then 705 China 47 Russia 85 Ukraine 24 Lithuania 3 UK 2 India 1 Pakistan 1 Iraq 1 Turkey 2 Kazakitstan 4 Bulgaria 3 Germany 5 Belarus.... REALLY if there are that many NON- US users than I believe I have been had unless someone has a REALLY good explanation I'll be doing a media write-up and remove myself from this organization.
This is a public forum where anyone, AMAC Member or NOT can join.
Those stats do not reflect AMAC's membership or anything AMAC is doing.
In fact they are probably some sort of SPAM, I am constantly removing spam posts and user's submitting things in different languages. If there were really that many Chinese users I don't think we would be able to read any of the posts here... If you DO read the posts and dig into a little more research on the forum yourself you will see there aren't any ACTIVE foreign users. Which leads me to believe this it is some sort of SPAM attempt.
We are developing a more exclusive forum that should prevent that but it's nowhere near ready to launch. So until then we are stuck here.
"It's amazing how much can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan
FYI LIST ALL USERS data was taken from the AMAC PULL DOWN Menu on THEIR site hardly think that would be considered SPAM?? WELL now can't REPLY to Forum Post without REGISTERING a NEW account. NOT good ACCOUNTING of actual users. Think this AMAC thing is not as AMERICAN as I had expected and HOPED for.
However, I don't think having foreign forum members makes us NOT American (again we have no ACTIVE foreign forum members which leads me to believe it is some sort of SPAM). I also don't think this forum is an accurate reflection of AMAC, there are maybe 25 or so active forum members which would consist of .0025% of our membership, even if all 2,000 forum members were active its still a fraction of a % of the total AMAC Membership. So I don't think this forum should be the reason to claim AMAC is not American. This is a place for people to talk to each other about anything, not to represent AMAC and what AMAC is about.
If you want to really learn about the company and what we do, the website is a good resource or I can give you an Ambassador contact and you can talk with one of them if you'd like.
"It's amazing how much can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan
What I am saying LOOK at the AMAC Forum sebsite.... ACROSS the TOP "List All Users".... select.. it will pull up a MAP and select each country and you will SEE a NUMER OF USERS which
is where I got the DATA.... so that tells me that there are OVER 702 people from CHINA ...who appear to be MONITORING the Amac Forum data.... can't imagine we have over 702 American's who are
living in China who are users... along with Russia... think these groups are MONITORING what this forum is discussing... that is all.
Yes I would like to contact the Ambassador and find out how I can get REMOVED from this Amac Forum as I do not believe it is in my best interest as an American.