hi I live I Colorado and aarp is running adds to get rid of Mike Coffman!
what are they doing about Obamacare
working on a budget, getting the government back to the people
aarp was sending me stuff they were doing I did not agree with them and is why I left them and came to Amac
I don't know what the AARP motivation to replace Coffman is, but seeing that he votes with Pelosi and the socialists 35% of the time, it may not be such a bad idea to get rid of him ? - check out his voting record at > http://heritageactionscorecard.com//state/state/co
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
to amac we the people who are the real government.we have been at the Albany rally for guns across America,and the audit the feds rally on 06/19/13 in Washington dc,and stood with our brother bikers on 09/11/13 in Washington dc,and recently was in Washington on oct 11-13 and stood with our truckers,who were riding for the constitituion,and along with bikers,and our real heroes the veterans,and now larry klayman from judicial watch is going to be in Washington on Tuesday nov19,2013 and we will be standing with him,to bring back this country,they way it should be,before ovomit the ineligible war crimes{bengazi} upsurp was put in office,he has never been vetted,and he can,t be verified.larry klayman is calling on all freedom loving,god fearing American veternas/citizens/bikers/truckers.we are sending emails to the nra/aarp/oathkeepers/the truth is viral{bob powers}and ever American citizens.we have emailed/faxed/phone called all our local politicans,who are Charles schummer/Kristen gillbrand/Nydia vesquez,and have told them for 4 yrs,about Obama,and all we ever get back from them is thank you for your views,and that's it,and there suppose to be working for we the people,not us for them.if you can,t make the rally,then you can hook up with the impeachobama overpass groups,there in a lot of differenet locations.god bless america