If you were going to take over a country without using the military you'd probably do it through the media and the educational system, and that's exactly what we're experiencing. If it isn't a take-over what is it?
Total manipulation of children's minds in classrooms; every magazine, movie, TV program, newspaper, and textbook is working on the rest of us with sustainable development dictates; land use plans, emergency management plans, law enforcement plans, food regulation, energy restrictions, legislative and legal decisions--all direct us and formulate public opinion to unquestioningly accept the agenda for the 21st century.
Unfortunately in today’s society we don’t teach history. But those of us who roam the electronic pages of this forum are old enough to remember; if not personally at least in our
education. Central Europe experienced a very similar situation in a bit 1930s. I agree with you the takeover of the country starts in the hearts and minds of the young or the convoluted ideas of the masses. Obama’s socialism has all the ear marks of Hitler’s early years in Germany.
The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living!!!!!!
American is rapidly becoming a country of want to Be's, want to be rich but not work for it. (A welfare state.) Want to be safe. But not be responsible for their safety. Want to have a voice in their governments but willing to give up the rights of a democracy. Want to allow the few to speak for the many but not to hold a few accountable when they misbehave.
The Obama Administration has taken advantage of the government shutdown to make the American people as miserable as possible for the President’s own advantage.