The Question = Which would you choose for your healthcare, Obamacare or the coverage available through the Affordable Care Act?
This pretty well sums up why Obama and the "D"s are holding the hard line on the Affordable Care Act and at the same time, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are holding the line on defunding Obamacare
Both side have irrefutable survey and polling proof that the Affordable Care Act is good for America and Obamacare is bad for America - God help us !!!!
I receive this article in an E- mail this morning I’d like to share with you.
Conservative Coalition
You may have seen my article in the Dallas Morning News this morning (Saturday). As usual there were some key points that were edited out and I wanted to provide you with the unedited copy.
Subject: ObamaCare Defunding, Time to Move On
I am a true conservative and have supported Ted Cruz from the beginning and STILL DO. But I now think it is time to move on. It is time to take this ObamaCare Funding issue to the 'court of public opinion'. Republican leadership should, in unison announce that they will not oppose removal of the provisions from the Continuing Resolution (CR) that would defund ObamaCare. It is vital that this is announced at a news conference with all media sources present so that this message is not filtered and twisted through Chris Matthews and his ilk. Most importantly they should clearly state that they have done everything they could to ‘pound some sense’ into the Democratic supporters but it is time to move on. ObamaCare is a very bad law that is headed for ‘a train wreck’ – the exact words of Democratic senator Max Baucus who was an adamant supporter of this socialist piece of legislation. Republicans should also clearly state they did everything they ! could to save the American people from ObamaCare who by a clear margin, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, do not support it. It will do no good to continue a losing fight against a highly biased majority in Congress.
When the revised CR bill comes up for vote, Republicans should all abstain. When ObamaCare does become a ‘train wreck’ as it inevitably will, it will become obvious to the American people who the true adults, the true patriots in the room were and this will be reflected in the 2014, 2016 elections. Also, 'moving on' will allow us to return to the issues that have been pushed into the shadows, where there is clear Democratic culpability: IRS, NSA, Bengazi, Fast & Furious that will show the American public the degree of corruption and incompetence that exists in this Obama administration. Once back in control we will be able to truly make a difference and return this country to the greatness that our forefathers laid out for us. GOD BLESS AMERICAN AS IT ONCE WAS AND CAN BE AGAIN.
PS: When ObamaCare implodes, many ask: who will pick up the pieces and get the country back to normalcy? Simple: turn health insurance back to the private sector that will quickly and efficiently let the free market operate. To be sure, there should be some government mandated changes to help the uninsured: Allow insurance companies to operate across state lines, set up a system for high risk individuals with preexisting conditions similar to the auto insurance industry ‘high risk pool’, allow individuals to transfer a health plan from one insurer to another when changing jobs, allow parents to continue coverage for children (at equitable rates) until they can be covered on their own, etc.
Ted Hart
Conservative Coalition President
the point NOT addressed in Ted Hart's opine is that Obamacare has naught to do with healthcare or even health insurance, Ocare has to do with CONTROL and redistribution of wealth and resources in the utopian fantasy of marx and mao
My opine is - why would Obama allow the House or Senate to repair the failed Ocare program after it implodes, when it suits his purpose in the name of Saul Alinsky or Cloward & Piven to overload the system and collapse the free trade apparatus
Ted Hart is taking the Karl Rove approach of we'll fix it later after it destroys the entire health care system, while Ted Cruz and Mike Lee take the approach of forcing the public to deal with this monstrosity BEFORE it becomes ingrained in law and treasury
Who will tell me how to end a program like Obamacare which will almost immediately become 20% of the American economy, after it has gone into full effect ?
If such were possible, then we surely would have fixed Social Security and Medicare before now - right ?
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
Though I disagree with you! I believe that it is no longer about defunding or fixing Obamacare. The Democrats and the President have dug in their heels on this issue, not because it’s a fight they can win even they know that Obamacare is doomed. But this issue has taken hold of the American people and blindsided us to some of the other issues that would remove if not the President himself at least some of his key staff for actual criminal offenses. The assault on the constitution especially the first and second amendment and the President’s manipulation through executive orders has our freedoms at risk. Although I do not want as see the fight against Obamacare to go away, I don’t want to see conservatives spending all their time on a single focus. We send all these people to Washington to govern on our behalf and to fight for what’s right, but it also means that they should do no harm to America or Americans in this process. To fight for a single agenda does not meet their constitutional obligations to the people who put them in office. While we fight for Medical Care Congress has failed to pass a budget and handle other duties necessary to run this country.
The two party system for over 200 years has worked well for this country but it only works if the members of both parties work toward a common goal. The Congress the Senate and the President himself seems to me more the environment of a preschool or kindergarten class.
Ted Hart’s opinion read more to me: Is that we should fight for what we can get and then move on to other important things. Not to give up the fight/but don’t lose sight in governing and keep in this country strong. Shutting down the government this past week didn’t hurt Congress and the Senate (they themselves will get paid) but it is hurting Americans.
I like you need Health Insurance, healthcare and at my age pharmaceuticals. And in an open society unfortunately not everyone can afford the same level of care, and the freedom of Health Care act is not going to do that for number of Americans, this bill has passed if we cannot defund it Congress can always make changes in the future. (At least if we remain a constitutional society) point is we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture.
your argument is correct ONLY if you believe Hussein Obama and Harry Reid have the best interest of this Country at heart - I certainly do NOT believe that
meanwhile, we must play the hand we are dealt
peace be with you
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
I survey don’t think they have the best hand, but I do believe at the moment they have the upper hand and that they will do anything they can to hurt the American people and America. I want this Congress to move to put Americans back to work and still block this ridiculous Health Care programs. Every day that the government is shut down diminishes our power and our status throughout the world as well as in the eye of every American. You can make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor, and we cannot make America strong buy shutting down its government’s. All I’m saying is that we pick the fights we can win and continue to pick away at the foundation of Obamacare, it will crumble under its own weight. And there are a few—damn few-- but a few good points in this bill that can be used to rebuild a workable program at a later date.
the positive items in Ocare - pre-existing coverage, portability and dependent coverage are completely detailed in the first 12 pages of the "affordable care act" - the remaining 2500 pages are to set up the 2nd largest bureaucracy in the world (2nd only to the Red Army of China) taking the place of the India Railway
for that, I am of the opine to have the battle NOW, believing there will be NO later ?
regarding the fear element I remind that when Gingrich got blamed for the government shutdown in '95 and the left wing press crucified him, but the public supported the conservative effort - see my post from 07 Aug 13 at www.us1/me/130807
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
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