In seeing this weeks poll on whether or not AMAC should support legislation for the training of volunteers to recognize and report elder abuse, I could not believe that there is 'legislation' even being considered for this!!!! Blows my mind. WHY would we need our legislators approval and permission for such a common sense (to me anyway) thing.
Any one, should have the knowledge (training if needed) in how to recognize 'elder abuse'. I'm sure our legislators could put their time to better use!!!
I have never spoken out like this before, but...there's a first time for everything!.
In seeing this weeks poll on whether or not AMAC should support legislation for the training of volunteers to recognize and report elder abuse, I could not believe that there is 'legislation' even being considered for this!!!! Blows my mind. WHY would we need our legislators approval and permission for such a common sense (to me anyway) thing.
Any one, should have the knowledge (training if needed) in how to recognize 'elder abuse'. I'm sure our legislators could put their time to better use!!!
I have never spoken out like this before, but...there's a first time for everything!.
unfortunately, we live in a litigious society where the attorneys respond ONLY to the laws on the books - it is NOT right, but is is the reality
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse
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AMAC Forum -> Politics -> Legislation to allow training of volunteers, etc to recognize elder abuse!!