As Obama, Kerry, McCain et al "analyze" the situation in Syria; we remind you that in order to take military action we must be on the side of the rebel forces who are led and dominated by Al Queda ISIS forces
as you watch the attached video showing the graphic murder – execution style – of 3 Syrian truck drivers who did nothing more than belong to a minority faith the local Al Qaeda affiliate does not like. ( execution starts at about the 8 minute mark, be forewarned)
the BIG caution is that if you really analyze the video it will occur to you that this murder of the 3 truckers MAY HAVE BEEN STAGED - just as the gas attack on civilians and children may have been staged ?
i.e. spontaneous acts of violence are seldom recorded from two camera locations and rarely show the ID of one of the victims about to be killed
Obama is predestined to support the muslim brotherhood who lack the skills and firepower to take on the Al Queda element in the Syrian "rebel forces" movement - this situation has red flags all over the place and why were NO opposition forced gassed ?