Hope you are all having a nice 4th of July (if you read this today) Raining here in NC. I'm married with a teenage daughter and two female dogs. One is a hound with cancer but she's still trucking along well; and the other is my mom's dog - she's come to live with us since we had to make arrangements for mom at a home up near my brother near Binghamton, NY. She has dementia. Her dog is a cute little black and white something - maybe long haired Chee Wow Wow (I know that's wrong but too lazy to look up right now.) I'm a church secretary of 12 years and a small time wanna be Christian writer. Have a book but only family has read so far. Thinking of expanding it as well. Part one is done but think I could write a Part two. Probably only good enough for family and friends but they liked it so . . . who knows. God bless all.