Our associate preacher turned old enough last year to get promotions in the mail to join AARP, and he proudly boasted in the pulpit about his advancing age, and his new association with AARP. I was shocked! He is conservative, and so I asked him "what in the world did you join AARP for, which is working AGAINST everything we believe as Christians?" He was dumfounded, at what I said, and had no idea there is a conservative alternative, but by then, he had already paid AARP, and I doubt he has has converted yet. This sickens me to hear of "our people" willfully giving their money and voice to such a liberal outfit as that, and being IGNORANT about what they are using your money to do to undermine our country. The message is just not getting out there, and there HAS to be more effective ways of reaching the churches, and communicating to them. What are we doing to actually solicit church and synagogue members? THAT should be our core group to recruit from, and THEN grow from there!
We all, here at AMAC, should spread the word about AMAC vs AARP. I heard of AMAC from Rush and Levin, and I'm impressed with the company's stand on the issues. Look for the current Administration to soon vilify AMAC publicly.
Yes I'm concerned that my very membership in AMAC will put me on a gubmint enemies list, but that's the advantage of old age: we can say what we mean and some of us have lived a full, rewarding life.
We all, here at AMAC, should spread the word about AMAC vs AARP. I heard of AMAC from Rush and Levin, and I'm impressed with the company's stand on the issues. Look for the current Administration to soon vilify AMAC publicly.
Yes I'm concerned that my very membership in AMAC will put me on a gubmint enemies list, but that's the advantage of old age: we can say what we mean and some of us have lived a full, rewarding life.
anything we can do to irritate Obama and his lefty goons is just icing on the cake for me everyday
Old Retired guy living in Costa Rica and tracking the communists electronically - starting with the marxist in the whitehouse