I read the hype on Dr Ben Carson in the latest newsletter and find that conservatives are so hungry to annoint an Afrian American as a true blue conservative that they will jump on any contender. Remember Colin Powell - but when it came down to race vs conservatism, he too went with the Obama entaurage along with the vast majority of African American voters. In American politics it seems race trumps all ideology.
This is not to say that African Americans cannot believe in traditional values of personal responsibility and achievement, non-intrusive government and the intrinsic value of work, but when the vast majority vote en masse for a community organizer (i.e. an extorsionist to get free governement programs), a big government stateist and a ideoloque who believes in "equality of outcomes" and redistribution of wealth, one would wonder if class conscious group think and the progressive party has not prevailed in that community.
I hope that at some point the African American community can see the devaluation that progressivism has to the human spirit and realize that big government programs and paternalistic elites are not the answer to self sufficiency and human dignity.
I understand your concern here but think it may be somewhat misplaced. In first place, I don’t think conservatives are as hungry to anoint an African American Conservative as they are to have a spokesperson for conservative values who can articulate those values clearly and effectively and who has the moral and intellectual courage to do so. That Dr. Carlson happens to be an American of African descent is of little consequence.
Secondly, whether “..class conscious group think and the progressive party [has] prevailed in [the African American] community..” is also not the issue. The point of having a positive and effective role model, such as Dr. Carson seems to be, is not to persuade the vast majority of the African American voter block but to persuade the vast majority of the American voter block—the racial make-up of the voters notwithstanding.
Thirdly, to suggest that because Colin Powell flip-flopped we should beware of Dr. Carson because they are both of the same race is very non-sequitur to say the least.
Lastly, I agree with your last sentence, “I hope that at some point the African American community can see the devaluation that progressivism has to the human spirit and realize that big government programs and paternalistic elites are not the answer to self sufficiency and human dignity.”, but I would not limit that thought to the African American community. African American’s were not the only ones who voted for Obama and his socialist agenda in lock-step fashion. They had much help from other communities of voters as well. Labor Unions, to name just one.
Dr Ben Carson is the most dangerous black in America today. He had the guts to literally speak truth to power.... Obama was only a few feet away! When a conservative person REALLY gets under the statists skin, they attack and ruin them publicly, as a reminder to anyone thinking of stepping out of line.
Many of us warned our peers about general Powell. Many top generals are not exactly "warriors" as we would suppose (Wesley Clark, Colin Powell, Patraeus among them). Dr Carson has not yet turned against conservatives, and he looks to me The Real Thing. Imagine, if you can, being an outspoken black conservative in this current environment. Truly.