It is well past time that we assert in no uncertain terms our unwillingness to continue to allow ever increasing encroachments against our Second Amendment Rights by national, state, or local authorities. One effort to do that has been taken by the Clark County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) in Clark County, Washington. We have enacted a resolution which empowers our Board of Directors to take a very strong stand against any public official who by their actions indicate that they do not support the Constitutionally protected right of American Citizens to keep and bear arms. (By we, I mean myself and the other Precinct Committee Officers who make up the CCRCC.)
The resolution’s reference to public officials is not limited to legislators who propose laws restricting our rights, but also includes mayors, police chiefs, county commissioners, school board members and any other public official who does so.
I would encourage every member of AMAC who is dedicated to preserving ourselves as a Nation of free and independent citizens to urge their local party to take some form of similar action. This alone will may not stop anything but it will put our elected officials on notice that we are serious about defending our Constitutional Rights. It does not seem that they understand that at this time.
I am providing the full text of that resolution here for your interest. If you have any questionsabout please let me know.
Resolution To Affirm Our Unalienable Right To Bear Arms
WHEREAS The Constitution of the United States is a legal document, and;
WHEREAS terms in a legal document carry a consistent definition throughout, and;
WHEREAS the term “The People” in our Constitution has identical meaning in the Preamble, the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, 9th Amendment and the 10th Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the right to keep and bear arms to hunt for subsistence or sport, and the right to keep and bear arms to defend one’s life and property are Natural Rights, existing prior to the Constitution, and affirmed and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in its 9th Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the individual right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of defending ourselves from any government who might usurp any of our rights is a Natural Right existing prior to the Constitution, and affirmed and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in its 2nd Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the Washington State Constitution states “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired”, and;
WHEREAS any infringement or impairment of these rights is an offense to our unalienable right of Liberty, and is an assault on rights “endowed by our Creator”, all of which are affirmed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washington, and;
WHEREAS, any holder of public office who would infringe upon these rights or who votes to fund any agency whose actions infringe upon or impair these rights subverts our Constitution and violates their oath of office;
The Clark County Republican Party shall refuse to support and may condemn, sanction, organize a recall of and/or recruit opposition to, any holder of public office or any candidate for public office in any branch or at any level of government who the Board finds has taken any action to further infringe, impair, subvert or usurp our Natural and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, regardless of their party affiliation.
The Board shall issue a press release notifying the public of this Resolution.
Resolved this 16th day of February, 2013 in Vancouver, Washington by the Clark County Republican Central Committee
-- Edited by FOTH on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 10:43:51 PM
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