Unfortunately, we have three more years of this horror show, and hopefully we'll get someone with guts, and a lot of common sense. Thanks for answering
Question is, "Can we last 3 more years?" What happened to the people who were rescued there? It seems as if they are being prevented from talking with anyone about what happened there. They may hold the answer to what really happened there. What ever happened there was sinister, and probably an empeachable offense.
We have a bunch of cowards, liars, and frauds in Congress. Why don't the people insist on answers? What are we becoming here in this country, nobody seems to care anymore!
they all need to be held accountable, congress and the white house (administration) and be removed and prosecuted, you cannot tell me they didn't see what was going on there, and who ever gave or didn't give the military the orders to go in there needs to be imprisoned, for cowardice, and dereliction of duty, no military person in their right mind would have stood there and done nothing for hours while the begged for help,,,,, no one,,,,,
Native Californinian, conservative to the core, US Navy 74-78, electrician for 33 years, Totally against hussein and his dems friends wo are out to destroy my and your country!!!
If Bush Did Benghazi (here’s how the NY Times would have reported it)...
This whole thing is bigger than Watergate, Watergate, and Watergate combined!!!
A just released report details the Bush administration cover-up. After the ambassador and three other Americans were killed by al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, Secretary of State Condi Rice came up with a story to blame a video maker for the riot that led to the deaths...except there was no riot. In fact, Vice President Cheney was in the Situation Room with President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld as the whole scene unfolded, arranging for Ambassador John Bolton to get onto those Sunday shows.
Senators Clinton, Obama, and Kerry demand to know why Bush chose to blame our First Amendment when he knew all along the video didn't cause the attack. MSNBC and other moderate media demand special prosecutor and resignations. An HBO film directed by Sean Penn called "blood on your hands" is destined for an Emmy. The broadway musical "Bullets over Benghazi" will surely garner a Tony, and the 50,000-word poem by James Franco, though awful, will win a Pulitzer.
Before dissecting Hillary’s Bizarre Benghazi Blustering, here’s the conclusions of the report from her own State Department’s Internal Investigation on Benghazi.
1.There was no protest demonstration
2.Al Qaeda is not dead. Africa is its new safe haven.
3.Systemic failures at senior levels in the State Department
Duh...It took an investigation to “reveal” this? Fourteen weeks to reveal what was obvious in 14 minutes!
One of the more despicable things in the report is that they try to pin blame on the dead ambassador by saying “He didn’t cry out for enough security”’ when we all know that he repeatedly sent requests up the line for security. So, somehow it’s his fault that he was killed?
Hillarious’s faux-drama and self-righteous, self-serving indignation about who murdered four Americans in Benghazi was despicable. Her crying and choking up while no tears flowed just added insult to injury. There was no taking of responsibility. No admission of what we all know actually happened. Just staged indignation about this not making “a difference.” She totally fit Shakespeare’s description of a lousy actor when he said, “A poor player who struts and frets upon the stage; a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing”. Well said, Billy Boy!
The most outrageous part is that she said, “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. . . . Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?”
What difference does it make?!?!!
I’ll tell you what difference it makes, you cold, conniving witch. The difference is that you were lying through your teeth about it and you knew it! It makes a whole lot of difference why and how this happened, Hillary. For you to say it’s an either/or choice is an outrage. A “protest” or someone going on a “walk one night” is absurd and an insulting perversion of the truth. These were cold, hardened mass-murdering Islamic terrorists, NOT guys out for a walk, and NOT protestors. Four Americans were slaughtered. By terrorists. On your watch. After previous attacks. After pleading for security. That you refused. And you still won’t admit the truth?
An even more scurrilous reason it makes a difference, Hillarious, is because you and BO lied to us repeatedly as you tried to cover up a major terrorist attack that put your foreign policy incompetency on display right before the election.
The difference, Madame Secretary, is that we have in our midst someone from the U.S. government who orchestrated a propaganda campaign to support the enemy. That is known as TREASON. How many people did you fire for this? And when can we expect the indictments? And how is that bruised brain of yours?
And to think this arrogant witch expects be our next President. With her reptilian soul, she has again demonstrated her incompetence and denial of responsibility. And why, instead of denouncing Islamic terrorists who killed Americans, did this same loathsome Secretary of State Clinton apologize to Muslims around the world and denounce American free speech as exercised in a foolish movie trailer. What a disgrace as an American and human being.
She even cut a TV ad with Obama that ran in Pakistan blaming the video, yet in the Senate committee hearing, there was not one question about the video! They blamed all of that on the video for weeks, and there wasn't one question about it. So, months later, there remain many unanswered questions…
·We still don’t know why so many warnings were ignored by the State Department.
·We still don’t know why State heeded the warnings about the attack on the British ambassador, yet ignored our ambassador’s repeated requests for security?
·Why was the Mobile Security Force assigned to Benghazi pulled out as scheduled despite Stevens pleading with the State Department to hold off until after 9/11?
·How did the State department’s processes fail to respond to the consulate’s request for additional security?
·And who were the personnel involved in that decision process?
·We still don’t know why the State department changed the facts from intelligence.
·We still don't know who shaped the talking points that Ambassador Rice used.
·We still don’t know why Ambassador Rice would say Al Qaeda has been decimated when it’s obviously not true.
·The fact that this was all in the heat of a presidential campaign where the president was saying Bin Laden is dead, and insisting that Al Qaeda is on the run.
·We still don't know when the president was briefed.
·We still don't know why the president continued to say, for at least two weeks afterwards, that he didn't know if it was a terrorist attack
·We still don’t know why the real time video of an obvious terrorist attack from the drone above the consulate that was sending was ignored.
·We still don’t know why BO didn’t dispatch the response teams in Sicily and naval carriers that could have gotten there long before our Americans were killed.
·We still don’t know what was in the many e-mails exchanged or even where they are.
·We still don't know what the survivors who were flown to Germany had to say, or even who they are or where they are.
Hi To Everyone, Read all the truthful replies, and what's to be done? The Media doesn't say much about it at all. The only remark I heard was Judge Pirro on Fox news, made a announcement asking for anyone that was rescued in Benghazi to c ome forward and be interviewed. Hopefully someone will have the guts to come forward. This makes me sick that other news hosts, have almost stopped talking about Benghazi. It is not old news I supose to them. I still try to mention it on Facebook, but I get very few or no remarks at all. What is this country coming to!
Great Ideas! Why doesn't some group stand up and demand this action be taken. We don't even move when we hear about the accumulation of tanks ans ammunition for domestic use.
Thanks for that info, I will look that up. I was just listening to the news as I do everyday. I am also sick of the news talking about getting rid of entitlements, how about the 500+ congress, get rid of their entitlements, waste, fraud and their abusing of the people. I listen to these obsurd grants that they hand out and I can't believe that they get away with it. the only way we know about what is going on with congress and their scams is Fox News, Thank God for them. STill have not heard any about Benghazi. Somebody must be threatening the media and other that were involved.