This is another one of those things that came across my screen that just goes to prove one of my earlier statements. Is this our great country becoming an abomination (that is an Obama nation). The country reelected this president to become a national welfare state. Our leaders can’t seem to fix the national economic crisis, but cities, states and individuals have their hand out for a free ride.
Now Give Us Money
[edit by Dan L: Removed link : embeding scripts are not allowed for security purposes]
City Council member JoAnn Watson said Tuesday the citizens support of Obama in last month’s election was enough reason for the president to bailout the struggling the city.
“Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that,” said Watson. “Of course, not just that, but why not?”
Oh goodness.
“After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C. and came home with some bacon,” said Watson. “That’s what you do.”
Umm…actually that’s not exactly what you do, or at least should do. The best thing to do is to prevent these economic crises from occurring in the first place – that is step one. The job of the Detroit Mayor is not to go to Washington to “come home with some bacon,” and it isn’t Washington’s job to send said “bacon” home with whomever requests it.
I understand from where this Detroit city council woman is coming – Detroit has been devastated by the economy and faces a cash shortage that would launch the city into an even worse situation, but what is Washington to do? They can’t just be slinging checks out to the growing list of bankrupting cities because…ya know…they don’t have any money either (See: $16 trillion in debt). And just because Jimmy Carter did it doesn’t make it right. It’s tough to deny a bankrupting city money from an emotional standpoint, but with a fiscal cliff looming the government is running out of options.
How should the Detroit situation be handled? I’ll leave that to the experts, but I can say that this trend of overextending budgets will have to end if our country is to stay above water. Living with the expectation that your mayor or governor can just knock on the president’s door and ask for “bacon” when things aren’t going well is not the way to live.
Apparently people in Detroit are starting to wake up. The passing of the "Right to Work" Law is a step in the right direction. The city has been governed by the Democtats for a long time, and has sld down hill, and hopefully they will make some drastice changes in the next election.
First my apologies! I just notice I am the one who posted—the post you are having problems opening. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. Now I find that the videos not working. I cannot find it to get the correct ULR. And that was my point--the arrogance of the city councilwoman who thought that just because the city’s population voted for Obama, the Federal government ‘should just hand over money to the city of Detroit. As if it was payment for a favor. If a city, county or state governments cannot manage their resources, why should the rest of us taxpayers always have to bail them out. I learned conservative economics a long time ago. By only what you need and pay for it then. Use more of what you have before you buy more. Put as much money away as you can. Don’t spend more money than you have coming in, and do not think that someone else should give you more money, because you didn’t handle what you had properly. Put them I feel the same way about the Federal government’s why do they believe (with their track record) that they are entitled to more and more of my money, when they cannot manage it right in the first place. But go figure!! Most of the people that we send to Washington spent their whole life spending other people’s money.