There two articles came my way this morning. Did anyone else see them?
Also; this
Dick Morris wrote a piece that put things into perspective:
Don’t Be Sad, We Will Be Back. Here's how to look at it: We are right and Obama is wrong. The issues at play here are not subjective with fuzzy answers, each a little right and a little wrong. They are objective. Either Obama's approach to the economy is correct or not.
If Obama is right -- which he's not -- his policies will solve the economic problems we face. And if he is wrong, they won't. They'll get worse. And then, worse again.
By 2013 and 2014, the truth will become increasingly apparent. Unemployment will be worse, driven by Obama's brilliant idea of taxing job creators more heavily. Economic growth will have halted and a contraction (recession) set in. The consequences of Obama's policies will be too evident for even the most hardened Democrat to ignore.
And I thought Forest gump Was just a movie character .stupid is what stupid dose! But stupid is still just plane stupid. How did this man get 4 more years.
That’s a great article. I had not noticed it until now--thanks to TanTom for causing it to resurface and get my attention.
As to Dick Morris's comments, I think he is probably right except for one possible glitch. He said, "The consequences of Obama's policies will be too evident for even the most hardened Democrat to ignore. "
They will be if the Republicans stop compromising with Obama and “working with the other side”, trying to make it look like they are doing something for the people. I am concerned that GOP fingerprints will be all over the budget deals, debt ceiling increases, and so forth, to such an extent that it will be easy for the mainstream media to convince the voting masses that blame for the continuing economic disaster is the GOP’s fault—not Obama’s.
That’s not to say that the GOP should just sit on the hands and do nothing but they must be honest with the American people in how they explain what it is they are attempting to do and their lack of power to do it. For example, instead of trying to reassure the public that they are going to do everything they can to prevent an economic downturn (which the GOP cannot prevent) they should be saying that, because of the policies being pursued by the Democrats--who control two-thirds of the branches of government and all of the government agencies—the economy is going to get worse, not better, and while the GOP will do all it can do to hold the line, there really is nothing to stop the Democrats from pressing forward with their agenda, an agenda that is not good for the economy.
That is the message that GOP leadership in both Houses ought to be taking to the public. Repeatedly. But that is not what we are hearing. So I won’t be surprised if the GOP continues to take blame for the economy.
Anyway, as I said, it was a very good article.
-- Edited by FOTH on Monday 11th of February 2013 03:41:55 PM
You are right Senior Crusader--the power of the people to speak--"It’s The Real Thing".
But as I've said elsewhere, it won't be easy and it won't happen quickly but we have to do it. I finally (within the past few hours) signed onto Facebook just to give me greater access to more ears. I was at a meeting yesterday with several other Republican Party Precinct Committee Officers hammering out resolutions to present to the Central Committee meeting next Saturday. I learned there, that even though I thought I was doing a pretty good job of keeping myself in the “public conversation” there is a lot of discussion taking place that I was unaware of, in various venues that are difficult if not impossible to take part in without a Facebook account. So now I have one. Now I am no longer just part of the chorus but I have a greater audience.
However, the point I was trying to make was that the Republican leadership in DC would make our task easier if they put forth a clearer message from their much larger stages, then we could broadcast that message from in our local outlets.
Onward and upward.
-- Edited by FOTH on Monday 11th of February 2013 07:23:09 PM
-- Edited by FOTH on Monday 11th of February 2013 07:23:38 PM
If you don't think that the liberal media, well get the word out correctly! Than the responsibility falls to people like ourselves. There are many community boards like this one, blogs, face book, and yes even AARP's community board. Were we can post the truth. If our message rings truth, then we should scream it from the rooftops. In America's past we had the town crier to spread the news. Today we have a telephone, the television and the computer we control two of those. The media may spin the truth, but it cannot stop right minded people from telling the truth. The most diabolical liar well mask it, but the truth will always shin for those of us who seek it.
The politicians who were hired to represent the people, and do the people's business. Only need to look as far as the keyboard in front of them. Tell the truth to one good person, and the truth will be told tenfold.
I don't know why--but that last sentence reminded the soda commercial of the seventies. I'm sure someone remember it. I would like the world to know--they would start off with one singer then keep multiplying the picture across the screen, until it sounded like a chorus singing. Join the chorus!!