My name is Bill, and I am a former corporate warrior, now a Federal Contracts consultant. I am a retired military officer, and Air Force Academy graduate. I noted my location above, and I feel that Maryland is the test site for many liberal policies. As an example, our fearless leader Comrade O'Malley (who envisions himself as the Party candidate in 2016, and Barry's annointed one), in the early part of this year changed the upper limit of what the state describes as "poverty level" from $45,000 to $60,000. Shortly thereafter, he lowered the threshold for the highest state tax rate (the "rich") to $150,000, from $250,000. We all believe that eventually the lower threshold for being taxed as "rich", and the upper level of still being in "poverty" will be the same number, around $75,000! Now that he has successfully pulled that off, I suspect we will se President Barry try the same thing at the national level--something to look forward to! As you can tell, living in the shadow of the Capitol has made me a political wonk! Thank God for AMAC, now I can burn my AARP card!