I recently finished this book. It is a real eye opener to say the least.
It traces the history of racism from the earliest democrats right down to obama.
The book shows that despite the fact that republicans are called racists, the exact opposite has always been the truth.
Slavery was perpetuated by democrats.
The KKK was a bunch of democrats.
Jim Crow laws were ALL passed by democrats.
Eisenhower, a republican, integrated the military, not the democrats, as they often claim.
School integration was fought against by democrats such as Bull Conner, George Wallace etc. ALL Democrats.
The civil rights act was voted for by democtrats only because it had been a main point of the campaign for president by LBJ, the dems could not back down at that point, even though they wanted to.
All information in the book is footnoted. Ann Coulter is the author. It is a 5 star read.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
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AMAC Forum -> Books -> Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama