It is so sad when a President of a country lies to the people he represents about the deaths of four of their countrymen. It's even sadder when a news outlet like CNN, (Liberal media) announces facts that are closer to the truth than what the President and Secretary of State are saying, and when a diary pops up stating the fears of an Ambassador all the Presidential staff can say is that CNN released the info without consulting the family.
This president wants to be relected? He wants four more years of being in a leadership role for this country. This guy that modifies the American flag by putting his face where the stars belong, and sells this "Flag" to help raise campaign monies. ($35.00 on the Democratic web site) He cannot be honest with the Amercan public, and he wants four more years? WAKE UP AMERICA...
You’re right Tom; it is very sad what is happening with this administration.President Obama is a dangerous person with one goal in mind, to be in charge of the US, to streamline one world government withhopes he will be the man.