Why isn't Congress & the President being prosecuted for not Defending the Constitution (Pleas no B/S) with legal/speak...and why are lawers allowed to serv in Congress, it is deffiantly a Conflict of Intrest, (Pleas no "B/S") with leagal/speak...and also why are people not requied to 'Vote" it shure is just as important,if not more so than "being requried to serve on jury's, and the court's will not reconise the (" Constitutional right to "Jury/Nullification") agian (Please no B/S with legal/speak)...???
Frank, We as Americans have the right to vote. It's not a mandatory thing, (maybe it should be). As for how congress and the president can stay without being proscuted.
It's like a gang. People get together and say "I will support you in your crimes, you support me in mine." If anyone tries to interfear, we either discredit them, or ignore them, or accident them. Promise people good conditions and ease in getting things they think they want, and they will think you are a good guy. You don't have to come through, just prominse, and say "it's in the works". The President and Congress have ignored the Constitution for a long time. Mainly because we the people have let them. People in congress think being a senator or house representitive is a life long job, elections to them are nothing more than a way to gather more moneies for pet programs, and personal investments. We the people have not paid attention, and have let some things slide, and more and more things are sliding, and soon well will be at the bottom of the pile, wondering how our rights have been taken "without our knowledge". WE the people ignore the bad things when we think things are going good.
If you speak up and ask questions of a Congressional person, you are a kook, a disgruntled taxpayer, you are anti-american, and you march to the wrong drum. So, why do we join groups like AMAC? Because they believe as we do, that ignoring the Constitution must end, than people in public office are there to represent us, and not there to use us. There is strength in numbers, and the more members AMAC can get, the stronger the voice will be against those that choose to ignore, or disregard us, and the Constitution.