What I do: I'm 26 years old I work at AMAC in Bohemia, NY. I do the website maintenance, create and send the newsletter, dedicated, and other internal e-mails. I also monitor and post on the facebook, twitter and forum. I am the IT gy around the office when someone's computer doesn't work and create most of the graphics that go on the site or e-mails
Hobbies: Web design of course, also I'm a guitarist for about 12 years now. I have had some of my music in TV Shows and Commercials which is pretty cool and still contunie to record and play.
Thats about it for me. Feel free to include more and get to know other members and let them know about you.
"It's amazing how much can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan
I'm not quite 70 years old, still consulting in Africa, Asia, Middle East in water, sanitation, solid/hazardous waste, environmental management. Apartment in DC, Victorian home in San Francisco, and mostly based in Tucson villa in the surprisingly lush Sonoran Desert. Ex-USAID Environmental Protection Specialist, USGS Hydrologist, US engineering companies manager. Growing more conservative under the past several US administrations who endlessly promote bad spending and debt choices. I like the quote from Teddy Roosevelt ' "Do the best with what you have."
My name is David and I'm a 63 yr old retired Pastor and a disabled Vet. I have 2 grown sons, my oldest is a Juvenile Probation Officer and he has my 5 grandkids. My youngest is in College at Texas College for Computer Science also he has spent 16 yrs in the National Guard with 2 tours in Iraq. I have been married to the same beautiful and wonderful wife for 37 yrs. I live directly across the street from the Church that I pastored for 12 yrs and still serve as Assistant Pastor. I have been saved for almost 45 yrs, have been active in the ministry for 44 yrs, and although it hasn't always been a bed of roses, I still love Jesus with all my heart and look forward to seeing his face one day.
-- Edited by lilkernal on Monday 18th of June 2012 12:43:09 PM
Name is Tom. Am 69, soon to be 70, (3 days), Am a retired Marine, (27 years, and miss it). Have a loving wife of 16 years, and am a proud parent of two step daughters, and one son. I love doing wood work, and currently collect old childrens wagons, ( 1920's & 1930's). I belong to the VFW, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans, and AMAC. I think this organization has the possibilities to grow, and surpass that other group, as AMAC appears to show concern, and interest in its members. AM looking for other members in the Las Vegas area to see if possibly we can help AMAC grow. There is strength in numbers. Any Las Vegas members out there?
My name is Bill, I am 6 weeks shy of 69 years young. I have been married to the loveliest woman on the face of the planet since 1976, have two beautiful daughters and two really great sons. Served in the US Navy aboard an oceangoing minesweeper and participated in the Cuban blockade in October of 1962. Defected from that other seniors group after seeing how close it is to my political opposition. Only unfornate thing for me currently is that I reside in a progressive bastion in a otherwise conservative state.
I'm Barb. I'm almost 64--widowed last year. I have 2 sons and three grand kids. Looking forward to retirement next year. Currently am working as a daycare teacher. The pay is not great, but interacting with "my" kids is a joy!My husband and I had great plans to do some traveling after retirement. We had bought a pop-up camper and used it quite a bit in the 5 years we had it. Oldest son will take that to use with his family. I plan to join some local senior groups, and may do some traveling with them. I feel our country is in great danger with the current political climate. We are VERY FAR from the ideal our founding fathers envisioned. "Safety nets" like welfare (and to an extent Social Security) that were intended to aid the neediest have been abused and become a way of life. I'm interested in trying to remedy this situation. Our Career Politicians are at fault. Serving in government was not supposed to be a profession! I wish we could clear everyone out and start fresh the way it was 200+ years ago!
I am 72 years old sometimes young, living in the midwest where it has been very hot lately,Ijust purchaced my home,also I have a small very smart dog that keeps me entertained (better than tv) I pastored a church for 6 years,would still be doing it if I could find a church that would have me. I do get to fill a pulpit now and then.
I'm a retired civil servant, living in the midwest. I have a silky terrier who keeps me company. I'm trying to figure out what one does in retirement other than go to doctors' appointments! I intend to get back to painting and drawing. I'm getting rid of clutter and I am cooking as much as I can from scratch.
Being retired is not an easy task. There are sometimes lots of things your want to do, but being retired reduces your available spending funds. So finding things that are reasonable, or even free can be a full time job. I spent some time at the Senior Citizen Centers, and met some great people, and found out they have a lot of things going on there. Have been on one day tours, joined a writing class, they have paint and gutair classes, even cooking clases. (They also have free coffee.) I have a friend that goes one day a week to an Assisted living place and just sits and talks with residents for a few hours. I also joined Toastmasters, and have enjoyed the company of the other members, and have improved my speaking skills, we have shared a lot of business knowledge. There are things out there, it just takes a little time to find them.
My name is Terry Read. I turn 50 years old this year. I believe Barrack Obama is a nice, charming person who just happens to be wrong on many things. The reason he is wrong on so many things is because of his World View. Even though he says that he is a Christian, he does not have a Biblical World View. We are currently living in a society where even though about 78% of the people will say that they are Christians, many of them do not really believe the Bible. They have had Darwinism hammered into them and taught that the Bible is just allegory. As a member of the San Antonio Bible Based Science Association (SABBSA), I want people to know that they can believe the Bible. If there is anyone out that is in the San Antonio area that would like to have a presentation or series of presentations before their church group or civic group on this topic, please call (210) 661-9265 and leave a message if no one answers. Log on to sabbsa.org for more information.
WOW!!! Take a couple months off, come back and feel like I'm the new guy. My name is Robert I've been a member/ambassador of AMAC for some time now, but I've never had the opportunity to introduce myself to this group. I worked hard in Colorado promoting AMAC, I have retire now, and moved to the Dallas Texas area. I'm 65 year young, married to the same woman for 38 years. My wife and I are both veterans (US Navy/Colorado Army National Guard) and I'm damn proud to say I'm a conservative. I believe in the rule of law,the constitution, the bill of rights and a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. And I will do whatever is legally possible to maintain that standard of government. Some will find me a contradiction at times, because I will speak out about wrongdoings, no matter what branch of government or political party or legislator or judicial court that tries to change the constitution,or remove our form government. Our strong nation, remains strong because of the two party system, when good man (women) work together, with level heads and common goals our country moves forward-its people prosper-and the world looks us for guidance. No one should feel that they are a lone voice in the wilderness/we hear at AMAC can amplify the voice be millions. It's time we sing in perfect harmony! I welcome any and all who wish to promote open and honest conversation.
We are excited about the new hope Ryan brings to the ticket! We are 61 and 59. Just heard all about the need for AMAC on WVCY, our favorite Christian Radio Station.
well, I guess AMAC came along at just the right time for me: I just turned the big 50 this year(of course, according to Cosmo, 50 is the new 40..LOL), I am an RN case manager in the medicare and medicaid insurance business(or, I was , until Obama was elected, now , I am between jobs since the insurance company went out of business) so, I guess that makes me semi retired...sort of..
My biggest love is to travel, I can talk about that all day. I love to cook, read, write . I guess I now have time to do more arts and crafts projects and learn to paint( in between e mailing resumes all over the place- I thought I was done with that)
I'm a newbie to this sight and to AMAC. I guess that's all for now
I'm a back office nurse in a large retirement community and I've got a couple more years until retirement. Dropped AARP for AMAC when Obamacare was introduced. I'm a conservative and believe in God and our Constitution.
Well I guess it is about time to introduce myself. I joined AMAC after AARP fell in love with Obama before the 2008 election.
I am currently 64 and retired. I love to volunteer and that fills my day several days a week. I read to a blind man, work at the Salvation Army Food Pantry, and play cards with residents of a nursing home. The cards are my favorite however.
I have also volunteered at the Republican headquarters by stuffing envelopes etc. I am very happy to see the young people there. Although many are college age voluteers, their enthusiasm is contagious. I find myself doing more things there.
Last book read: The Roots of Obamas' Rage. It shows why Obama is the way he is. I would recommend it for everyone.
3 kids, 6 grandchildren. Married 43 years, my wife still is working. She is not in any hurry to retire. Thank goodness one of us can still work.
Along with others who posted before me I also feel great apprehension with what is going on in Washington, especially the "savior" pretty much doing as he pleases wth no one stopping him, including some Republicans. My hope is that Romney/Ryan will begin to turn this country around.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
Hello all I am a 62 year old self employed business owner. I joined AMAC to support its efforts against AARP and the current administration. I plan to keep working as long as my health holds out and so far I have been lucky running a motorcycle repair facility and doing some flat track racing I really like what I do and cannot think of anything I would rather do.
My wife and I have been married 42 years and have two children and one grand child.
My name is NancyK. I am 63 years of age. I am an RN but I took early retirement 3 years ago. I joined AMAC after dumping AARP. I became fed up with AARP during the passage of Obamacare. AARP has lost my business forever.
I believe President Obama is a charming man who is a good father and family man. However, in my opinion, his political ideology is a danger to the freedoms and liberties of all Americans. I highly recommend everybody go to see Dinesh D'Souza's movie 2016 if you haven't already seen it. I pay close attention to national and local politics. I attend our local Tea Parties regularly and have become acquainted with my Congressman, Sheriff and some of my county's board of supervisors. I post often on our local newspaper articles, letters and opinions. I have been laughed at, called names, ridiculed, and have been told I'm not fit to live on this planet. It comes with the territory of being a Conservative.
I am really very concerned about how Obamacare will effect all Americans but since I am a senior, I am concerned about how this very bad piece of legislation will effect Medicare as well as our taxes and retirement. Also, although I am not a church goer, I am very concerned about our religious freedom. Also, the Second Amendment. In addition, I am concerned about how Obama subverts the Constitution and Congress by signing whatever executive order he pleases. Adding insult to injury, I don't understand why Congress allows him to get away with it.
What do we do if Barack Obama is re-elected? Do we leave the country or do we stay here and risk losing our retirement savings to high taxes and Obamacare? That is the decision my husband and I are trying to make.
Hi, I am new to this forum. Carolyn J. My husband and I have been married going on 42 yrs. We have 3 children , 3 grandchildren. We have lived on a farm , all of our married life. We farmed our own ground until around 8 yrs ago. Now it is rented out. I would not want to raise children any place else. My husband works out in the oil fields, 7 days a week. I am a dog breeder of small dogs. That is how we suppliment our SSI income. I am so glad that we were told about AMAC. We have closed our minds and purses to AARP. I wish the my husband could retire, but it is not possible at this time. Being a farmer for so many years didn't prepare us for retirement. So we are stuck.
Am 75 and moved to California tweleve years ago from New Jersey, attended Prep and College in South Orange,NJ. Not at all happy with the current Washingtron situation but am hopeful that we can return to a semblence of fiscal responsibility in the near future. I have five Grandchildren and am concerned for them as regards Socialism in this Country. I am able to play golf at least three days a week and for what's it worth the weather is great but that's about all I can attest to here in alifornia. Oh, forgot I am retired
-- Edited by MAC on Tuesday 18th of December 2012 06:54:46 PM
Hello. My name is Fran and I am new to this forum and AMAC. Like many of the postings here, I also left AARP because of the socialist views that I believe are harmful to senior citizens and the country as a whole. I use what influence that I have to direct others to AMAC, a better choice. I have been a small business owner since 1978 and have had to deal with government regulations that actually strangle a small business. The Obama admin. have increased regulations to the point that expanding your business is not a viable option. So we use contract independents to protect ourselves from government intervention and additional cost factors. The unemployment problem will continue to grow under this administration and GNP will not improve. My question is, How did we (the US citizens) allow this to happen for the second term?
I am a great-grandmother and enjoy a very pleasant life in Florida. I continue to play tennis every week and work with my online business. I became certified as an Internet Marketing Adviser to small businesses this year. I find most people of our age group do not embrace the new technology but we are getting better. My advice, just give it a try. You just might like it. It is not as hard as it seems. I enjoy the friendship of a group of ladies that we refer to as "Our Steel Magnolias". I am married to a man that is not "perfect" but he is wonderful and we share a family of 10 children and 13 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. It makes for busy holidays.
I am glad to learn about this forum and plan to use it on a regular basis. If I can be of any help to anyone, please let me know. I find pleasure in helping where I can.
I know there's been a lot of reasons for the second term, but I feel it's really because, 1) many were not informed enough or really didn't car. 2) all the "give-aways" to those who do nothing but wait for a handout.it's tough to beat "Santa Claus", as I'm sure you've heard. I have joined the local Tea Party group and enjoy being among like minded folks. Also am glad I joined AMAC. Hopefully they will get competitive with caqr and home insurance, 'cause when they do, they have a customer.
Hi, everyone, and Happy New Year 2013! My name is Steve. I am 59, an IT professional since January 1979 with an MBA and a BA in Economics, both from the University of Illinois. Some of my earliest memories of finding myself identified as a "conservative" is when I reflected my parent's support of Nixon in 1960 when we lived in central Massachusetts. :) Unlike many of you, I am Jewish (another identity I recognized in a shocking situation in Massachusetts around 1960 -- we consider ourselves to believe in God, we just do not accept Jesus as our personal savior). Like Terry (terryread) and NancyK, I believe that President Obama is a perfectly fine person (and I am extremely proud that my fellow Americans elected him in 2008), simply wrong on most issues, especially the economy.
I had just renewed AARP and then I was so disillusioned by Obama that when I saw the AMAC advertisement again, I decided to join myself and my husband up. I probably will not renew AARP next year, but it is interesting looking at the issues from both organizations. I'm glad there is a non liberal org. like this. I was a democrat all my adult life until just recently when I applied to switch to independent. I am not one who likes either extreme (especially today,) but I certainly do not like what is happening with this current administration, congress et al.
Just received my medicare card to start in a couple months. I admit my job most of my married life has been homemaker and I do rely on my husband's status for ss. This is a different world than the one I grew up with and I see the difficulties my 5 adult children are facing. In all honestly I don't know if I could do it had I been born into this next generation.
Welcome, itasara! I found your story to be quite interesting. I would probably be what you would describe as "extreme" in many of my positions related to the economy and politics but I'm glad that you've joined AMAC, too. I hope that you don't feel that your job as homemaker is any less important than your husband's or mine or anyone else's. I have a feeling from reading your self-introduction that your five adult children, like my two, have the values they need to make it in this very tough world.
I am the Yankee Traveler aka Patrick. The name has no story with the exception I enjoy using it in all forums here at AMAC and elsewhere. I am 56 live in Maine's Northeast where there is 6 months of winter and 6 months to prepare for winter. I have raised 5 children to be successful conservative parents. 2 biological and 3 adopted. I have currently 9 grandchildren. I have been a welder for the past 42 years and yes it's been that blue collar paycheck that has put all 5 children through colleges. I am an outspoken person, have never been accused of being politically correct. However I am polite and truthful. If I offend you or hurt your feelings that was never my intention, but I do say things as i see them and cover nothing in fluff.............unless it's peanut butter. I was raised conservative by then "Blue Dog democrats". I myself are conservative to the core and have been called to conservative but i don't believe that that is true. Being a conservative in New england is a challenge, but being this far up the state of Maine is like being in another country and that's what I enjoy. I became a AMAC member because AARP was not an option for me..............remember I am a really,really,really, conservative person.........no really. I enjoy building stuff outta reclaimed wood. My current is building a dining room table outta 125 year old barn boards and leaving the wood as close to it's natural state as possible. So that means hand planing mostly and not for size purposes as much as just being able to expose the beauty of the grain and the old saw mill marks. Most of the wood was hand hewn so the size varies from one end of the board to the other. Which means in terms of character and charm it may be wonderful but the whole building process is a pain in the butt.
Handle: Back in 1987 I got involved in this online service (where you used to dial up with a modem) called Compuserve. They had a game called Island of Kesmai. I wanted to create a character and my CB handle at the time was Thor. Since the game moderators were called "ghods" calling myself a Norse God seemed a little arrogant of me. So I changed one letter. Suddenly I had a four letter word that was not only not censored it was not used by anyone (it turns out there is a small village in Israel named Tzor but that is it. It became my online handle everywhere. It's even on my custom licence plate.
Anyway, I live and work on Long Island. I lived in Key West Florida back in the 90's. I originally studies physics but since the job market was poor in 1983, especially in the field of physics, I eventually started doing computer programming for business with some years dedicated to computer games. I love to sing, either as a Barbershop Tenor or a more classical Baritone. I am conservative by nature.
Welcome, Yankee Traveler/ Patrick! Yes, I know what you mean about being a conservative in New England -- my famiy moved to Worcester, MA in 1960 when I was 6 and my parents and I were probably the only three people in Massachusetts backing Nixon for President.
Welcome, Chris! It's good to have another New Yorker (although I now live in Michigan) - IT guy (although I started in economics, not Physics -- I'm not that smart!) - singer (although I'm definitely not at the "pro" level you are) on board!
I'm Stewart, I'm 51, soon to be 52 years old. I work as an Environmental Safety and Health Specialist at Umatilla Chemical Agent Demilitarization Site. Our plant has the honor of destroying the entire stockpile of chemical weapons stored at Umatilla Army Depot in Hermiston, Oregon. I have been working in the Chemical weapons for 25 years now, in various positions. I first started this job with the intent of working only one year and moving on to a real job. Well after 25 years I am still working the job. I have worked at three different demil plants from start to finish. I am hoping to end my career at Bluegrass Army Depot, Kentucky, but that is still up in the air. I'm glad AMAC has this forum to express my views and opinions on various topics. This should be a great site.