When I complained about the government stealing my GM stock and giving it to the UAW, not a single Republican responded. When I complained that prescription drugs cost as much as 70 times more in the US than from Canada, not a single Republican responded. The only Republican response has been to join Democrats in trying to prevent the purchase of prescription drugs from Canada via the Internet. Talk-show host, Mark Levin, repeatedly says that the only way to get this government on the right track is to put strict constitutionalists in control. The GOP is obviously not the right party to put strict constitutionalists in control. No fundamental difference between the concept of ObamaCare and RomneyCare. Both are indicative of big-government thinking. Both parties love big government.
I don't disagree with you, Richard. But how do you get "a right wing radical" like that elected? I've been wondering that for years. I'd absolutely love it if we had leaders (not just the president) who voted, passed and repealed laws in accordance with the Constitution.
A government that endeavors to save man from his own folly succeeds only in creating a nation of fools
- Edmund Burke
It is true there isn't much difference between them but there are enough progressives in the USA that if you ran a true constitutionalist you would split the conservative vote and end up with what we have now. You split the conservative vote because the Republican party will not put up a constitutional candidate. The reason; you can't get anywhere in the party if you a constitutionalist. So start a new party and split the vote. It will take at-least a generation or more to rebuild the Republican party so it would run a constitutionalist candidate
The problem the Republicans have is they are stuck on the abortion issue. If they could forget being social conservatives and worry about about being constitutionalists they would do better. When it is convenient they complain that the Dems are violating the Constitution. Some of the Republican ideas in the past could also be questioned. We need a smaller central government. Less of our taxes should go to Uncle Sam and more should go to your individual state to pay for local needs. If your state wishes to pay for social programs, let it. I do not want to pay for other states' problems. Those who believe in the Constitution need to do what the Progressives have been doing for 100 years. Get involved in local politics and school boards. Teach our children again about the Constitution and our Founders. This would include the Federalist papers so that high school kids would understand the vision that was America in the beginning. It will take a generation or 2 to get us back on track. We can only hope the country is not in total ruin by then.
The problem the Republicans have is they are stuck on the abortion issue. If they could forget being social conservatives and worry about about being constitutionalists they would do better.
I agree
A government that endeavors to save man from his own folly succeeds only in creating a nation of fools
- Edmund Burke
The current illegal administration is setting the precedent wanted by all politicians. If allowed to finish this term the precedent is set of an administration doing whatever they want despite the constitution and without following the law. If this is allowed, our freedoms under the constitution are a thing of the past. So many people talk of the next election when the loss of freedom is already underway and if this corrupt administration finishes this term the constitution becomes just so many words instead of the law of the land. Where is the call for impeachment? How many felonies have to be done to get a call for impeachment? Both parties want the precedent set of not having to follow the law. This is why the so called leaders are silent while law after law is openly broken and ignored.
We need to jump on both parties and convince them to change the way our Electoral College votes are alloted. Mr. Obama would not be our president if they were distributed evenly. The cities have to much "pull" and us country folk don't have enough! Neither party has even mentioned this in their "rhetoric"!
We are run by a minority of people, namely the Liberals, look at Pelosi, Reed , Boxer, Feinstein, and few others from other states and they and their communist co-harts run Congress (look at the Senate dems holding the Country hostage at their whim), this holds true with the media.
Every time conservatives get into the lime light such as Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Allen West, and many others and it does not matter what their skin color is nor their ethnicity or gender they are vilified, denigrated by the above aforementioned group.
Then we like sheep we follow suite and get caught up in their diatribe which causes divisiveness in our society, because we are taught from the pulpit to turn the other cheek by church leaders and we have been doing that for years. Yet scriptures teaches just the opposite that are to get involved and pray for our leaders ie Pv 29:2, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." It does not mean we are to cower down to this group but pray for for them and yet to stand up to them and get involved. That is why we have the Constitution we have, our founders fought for this and since then many others died for this to protect these freedoms that we have.
My question has always been how do we get involved?
I have written to my elected representatives, apparently to no avail. The congressmen, or other representatives usually send me back a form letter which says thank you for expressing your views, but I am going to vote the way I want, despite what you wrote.
I have donated to those who promised one thing, but when elected did another. That has made me very cynical on the subject of donations to ANY candidate
I have helped out at political campaign headquarters for candidates I like.
I have helped place campaign signs in the yards of friends and neighbors.
I talk politics to anyone who will listen to me.
Nothing seems to help, at least in my eyes.,
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
Most of the Republicans, including Romney are being Rhinos, and are not putting Obama on the carpet for all the unconstitutional things he does. The goal of this government is to make sure Americans are reliant on them for our existence, which gives them power over us. They are even starting to look at ways to go after our 401k retirement savings, by installing a "small tax", which will be around 1-3%, then once they have that tax in place will raise it to something like 15% or more. There has even been talk by some democrats on the debt reduction committees to confiscate people's personal retirement funds through the IRS and give us "tax credits" in it's place. What a deal, say you have a $1000, they are going to look at taking it and giving us a whopping $180 tax credit. We need to shut any talk of them taxing our retirement funds down before they even get started. This government is hell bent on the destruction of this country. Why else would a government with a 15 trillion dollar GDP be spending more than 15.8 trillion dollars. We will never catch up, and will become a third world nation. People better start waking up, and demanding that they cut programs and their spending, not just cutting the increases in spending. They think we are stupid, and they are right in most cases, when people are thinking that government is about to cut their spending when they are addicted to that spending.
-- Edited by mjl1960 on Tuesday 24th of April 2012 04:40:50 PM
It is law in the USA that you can purchase your prescription drugs from Canada (or any other country) as long as they are for your own use & you don't purchase over a 90 day supply.
That law was passed after 9/11 when our government started looking at all packages coming into America from other countries. The kept a lady in FL medicine as I remember & that caused the law I speak of above to be passed.
I have been purchasing my drugs from outside the USA since 2003 & have never had a problem.
It does not mean we are to cower down to this group but pray for for them and yet to stand up to them and get involved. This sentence from Phantom is right on. Do not cower. Pray for them. Stand up to them. Get involved. How??? Pick each candidate you vote for by their stand on Constitutional issues. Namely, the Bill of Rights encapsulated within the Constitution itself. If you have not read the document itself recently, I suggest you do so as soon as possible. Know what you are fighting for. Pegat
There is only one party in this country. That is the party of MONEY. Every politician running does so for one reason: to enrich himself. Anyone who believes campaign promises is simply a fool. These guys are in it for the money and power it gives them. They serve the ultra rich and do what they are told for money.
Obama slanders venture capital out of one side of his mouth, then asks for handouts from venture capitalists from the other. And they give it to him. Is there a bigger picture here?
Romney relates to the ordinary guy like a dog relates to a flea. A minor irritant, but usually ignored.
DHS just placed an order for 450,000,000 (four hundred and fifty million) rounds of .40 S&W hollowpoint handgun ammunition, plus several million rounds of 5.56mm and 7.62mm rifle ammunition, the two most common military calibers. Hollow point ammo is NOT used for target practice. It is used to kill people. The average ammunition expenditure of all calibers of ammunition during the height of the Iraq fighting was 7.7 million rounds per month. Just whom does DHS plan on shooting? The answer is obvious.
Things are heating up. If you are a veteran, a gun owner, or support the Constitution, that slug in charge of DHS has named you as a potential terrorist. "If you see something, say something" Remind you of anything? East Germany, perhaps?
The Euro zone is on the verge of collapse. Heard anything about it from Obama or Romney? Hell, no, because there are attempts by the Chinese and Russians to remove the dollar as the word's reserve currency. Ask yourself what will happen to the world economy if that happens. And to the dollars purchasing power. Think Zimbabwe and the Wiemar Republic. Anyone think the Democrats or the Republicans are addressing these issues? Sure they are. But they're not telliong us about it.That's why DHS is arming up for civil unrest.
We may have a lot more problems just around the corner than the November election, if it even occurs.
Phantom- I totally agree. It all started when Americans allowed Prayer to be taken out of schools, and Families stopped teach Morals. Unfortunately it was my generation that did this. God Help us all.
"I just finished reading The Five Thousand Year Leap and I truly believe that it should be mandatory reading in school. "
Thanks for that information. It is the next book on my list after I finish The Roots of Obamas' Rage, which is a book I would recommend to everyone. It helps you to understand where Obama is really coming from. He is not the person many have made him out to be.
-- Edited by stockman on Saturday 30th of June 2012 12:09:05 PM
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
snoozydoc wrote Teach our children again about the Constitution and our Founders. This would include the Federalist papers so that high school kids would understand the vision that was America in the beginning.
I cannot possibly agree with this more. I just finished reading The Five Thousand Year Leap and I truly believe that it should be mandatory reading in school. I always thought I knew the constitution, but when reading this book and all of the analysis and bio information on the Founding Fathers, it humbled me. I now know why our Constitution will never be outdated. It was written based on "natural law" and human nature, NOT current affairs or culture.
I really think that the reason congress and others in Washington are letting President Obama and his liberal advisers and followers get by with so many underhanded new laws and etc. is because they will stir up a big comotion of insinuated racism in the White House and Congress. The republicans are trying to not make to many waves until they can vote him out in November, the right and American way to do it. After the election, then fix all the constitutional laws he has broken and investigate President Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reed to see how many underhanded illegal deals they were involved during their tenure in government.
It may well be the older I get (64) the more cynical I get about all government or it could be our government is sinking to an all time low. The two partys are further apart then ever before and it appears to be unstoppable. The Supreme Court no longer interprets how we should live rather, it is party-based decision making. It just ruled on a health care law that is so long in content it was never read in it's entireity before it was passed in to law. I look at types like Hatch and Biden and nausea is my only reaction. We as a nation have lost our way. This great divide started during the Viet Nam war and is now the law of the land. Mydisgust with liberalism is matched by my mistrust of conservatism. I grew up next door to a politician and my father said to me repeatedly, "they are all lying bas###s". That was true then and is truer now. I have no solution but I am ashamed of what we the people have allowed to come to pass. I m truely frightened for our children and grandchildren.
fmdog44, your father was right. Politicians tell the masses what they want to hear and, once elected, immediately grab a hand rail on the gravy train. They could care less about the "average American", whatever the hell that is.
Looks like Benjamen Franklin's warning about having a Republic, if we could keep it, is true. Don't watch the talking heads on the "news". They are all pawns of the propaganda machine. All they care about is the continuation of the status quo so they can keep their jobs. Seek out alternative information sources.
The truth is out there. You simply have to take the time to search for it.
Wake up people! Abortion is not the real issue, taking away the right given to us in the first ammentment of our Constitution, that is the issue. When the government can make a religion perform an action that is against their tenet, it is taking the first small step to interfere in our first ammendamen right. What will they do next to attack our other freedoms that were put into the Consitution by our forefathers to protect the citizens from government takeover?
Snoozydoc needs to read my reply about the abortion issue; that is not the underlining issue. The issue is letting the government take away one small stone in the first ammendment. If this is allowed, how many stones will be taken away in the future until the Constitution finally will completly collaspe?
I agree with Carol Ann that abortion is not the real issue, no matter how repulsive and immoral we may find it to be. It is just a symptom of a much greater problem.
The government continually hacking away at the Constitution a little at a time is indeed the true problem. I fear that many do not even see this as a threat since it is done in such small incremental steps. Those who think things like, "that is no big deal" fail to put all those "no big deals" together and see the larger scope of what is truly happening in this nation. We are losing the Constitution right before our eyes and unfortunately many do not have any idea that this is even happening.
It appears that the current administration has done more to this end than any previous one, by far. No other one has been even close in their flagrant circumvention of Constitution as the Obama Administration. I fear even more abuses of the Constitution if Obama is re-elected since there is no way to reign him in once he no longer needs any support from voters.
He will do as he chooses. That has been made painfully clear already.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
Yes, Stockman, this administration has done more than any other to undermine the Constitution. It has been noted in the news that if he gets reelected, America will have to abide by the law of the UN that says no one other than the government may own guns. There goes another of our rights.
I agree with Carol Ann. If we allow our guns to be taken, we have no means to to remain a free nation. The UN will slam into the United States, and take our basic freedoms, properties, and possibly families. The only truth that will be available will be the truth that the government wants you to hear. Our rights a fast being taken, and unfortunately, many people just stand by and watch it happen. If you stand up for what you believe in, you are a "kook" or "out of touch" or a fear monger.
It is called the 'let the other guy do it' or 'what can one person do' syndrome and apathy that has taken over the younger generation. 'If the government wants to take care of us, just let them'. Sounds like another country back in history, the German people, maybe. That's what let Natzism take control.
I learned a long time ago that anyone can quit. That anyone can let the other guy do it, that anyone can follow, thats its easier to "just go along" instead of standing up for what is right, or what you believe in. Wonder where we would be if our forefathers had done that? I am so tired of everyone saying it was someone elses fault that we are on the downslope as a nation. We are not. Not if people get off their backsides and stand up for what they believe in.
We have a great opportunity to change this country back into being a proud nation come this November. I spent 27 years of my life helping to make sure that the citizens of this country have right to vote, and determine their own fate. Some people say they will not vote because (1) they don't like the canidates, (2) their vote won't matter, (3) the polling places are too far away. I could go on and on, but what it boils down to is a lot of people are letting someone else make decisions they should be making. Lets not "Let the Other Guy Do It" Lets us do it. Many of us got away from AARP because we felt it did not represent US. You joined the Association of Mature American Citizens, (AMAC) because it offered to represent your ideas, and desires. It did not offer to represent you. You as members not only as AMAC members, but as citizens have got to "get off the pot" and stand up for what you believe in, and what this country stands for. VOTE!! Write your Congressman, tell him if he won't listen to you, you will find a canidate that will, and gladly replace him.
One more thing and I will get off my soapbox. It pains me to see people at sporting events that don't show respect for this country by standing for the National Anthem, or singing the song. Yes the words are hard to remeber, and the music is not smooth, but darn it, its OUR SONG!!!
(This message was brought to you by a ticked off citizen.... sorry)
Tom, there is no reason to be sorry about being "ticked off". I am too.
I agree with what you have included in your post.
People like Roseann Barr making a joke of the national anthem at a ball game, the president not even putting his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is played, Michelle Obama saying she is finally proud to be an American (whatever in the hell that was supposed to mean.) Those people tick ME off.
Disrepectful behavior towards our country, its customs, its traditions, its morals, and even its Constitution, along with other facets has increased dramtically since the 60's, and shows no signs of reversing direction.
If those people are so unhappy about what is going on in this country, there are many others to choose from.
No, this country is not perfect, but the original constitutional framers were a much higher caliber of individuals than we currently have in Washington, and until that changes things will only continue to go downhill. The morals are gone and without them we are like a rudderless ship, going nowhere fast.
...IF it were possible for Muslims to co-exist with others, there would be Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues in Mecca.
TOM, I am ticked off too, but I'm NOT apologizing!!
I overheard a young person say they would not vote Republican because they believe in 'gay rights'. I quickly informed him that 'gay rights' is an issue of state, not federal government. If the colleges would make it manditory to take a government class maybe the younger generation would have a better idea of how things are supposed to work in Washington. The trouble now days is: if 'A' along with 'B' looks good, vote on it. BUT no one looks to see what 'C'(the results of A and B) will be. As my father used to say "They don't look any further than their noses".
Gasp!! Carol Ann, You want young people in college to take classes in government? They have not been around long enough to understand how the government works. You want them to possibly reason something out that may be for America, and against the socialist doctrine currently being implemented by the liberal teachings here in the United States? My, you really are a threat to the current teachings of those opposed to those that want to change the American way of life. You are the kind of person that Homeland Security, DEA, ICE, and the FBI should watch. Expounding the fact that states have rights, and can set some of their own laws. Why, why everyone knows only the federal government should make the rules, and that those that oppose those laws should only send letters to their Congressman, and not voice in public that they are in opposition to government mandated rules. Why, a vocal outburst like that could cause public panic, and cause others to start thinking as you do.
Next you will want to bring back saying the Pledge of Allegience in schools and at public gatherings..
(Actually, I agree with EVERYTHING you said, I was just thinking of some of the things some people might say reading what you wrote.)
Obama is not, but Hillary Clinton will be signing it. It's another thing dealing with "World Order". Not sure what effect it may have on us, as I don't think Congress is dumb enough to approve it. Keep your powder dry...
NOTE: A widow woman can kill you just as dead as an armed service person. Women are pretty inventive. IF somehow they do get your weapons, I am sure you can make an enemy miserable, and probably real dead. The thing to remember is if it comes down to it, you will be fighting on your turf.
The thing to remember is.... "You are the weapon, a gun is just a tool". Women are pretty resourceful, and I think IF times got tough, you would figure a way to survive.
True that both political parties have written and passed legislation that wouldn't survive the Constitution litany. Which gives rise to a promise or even legislation is needed that says in effect.....NO LEGISLATION WILL COME BEFORE CONGRESS IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION. You would think that when a Federal Government official is sworn in to his or her office that when they swear to uphold the Constitution and enforce the laws of the United States of America that this swearing in should be regarded as the same.....if not more-so weight as the same swearing in used in our Judicial system. Violation is called PURJURY ! Since we seem to be in the process of moving our way of life toward Socialism.....we are on the verge of throwing our beloved Constitution under the buss. I am extremely uncomfortable with this and intend on reflecting my feelings about this when I vote in November.
I often wonder how we could have made such a dreadful mistake in 2008. We just MUST NOT make the same mistake twice !!!
Its going to be interesting to see how many votes come from the grave. Also watch and see how many absentee ballots some how get lost, misplaced. destroyed, or invalidated. That is of course, IF an election is even held. Personally, I think there will be no election. Hope I am wrong.
Its going to be interesting to see how many votes come from the grave. Also watch and see how many absentee ballots some how get lost, misplaced. destroyed, or invalidated. That is of course, IF an election is even held. Personally, I think there will be no election. Hope I am wrong.
I hope you're wrong also.....Hello King Obama !!!......Heaven help us.....
A declaration of martial law could delay or cancel an election. There are people out there that do not want an election held. An election would challenge a lot of people in high places, and as more and more people realize what is going on around them, those in power may wish to cancel elections in order to stay in power. It is going to come to the point each person is going to have to choose to go with the flow, or stand for what our forefathers stood for. Everyday there are powers hacking away at our way of life. The NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act), The UN's ATT attempt, the Affordable Health Care Act, are all steps in socializing this country. Am also concerned as to why the U.S. military is training in American cities for "crowd control", and traffic check points.