Video Report - it's now on the Senate "R"s to back the House "R"s
Yesterday, Friday - 20 September 2013 - the House passed HJ Res 59 - making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, but NO funding for Obamacare, in a landslide party line vote with all but 3 Republicans, and 1 Democrat, voting in support - a 230 to 192 vote margin So, it is NOW up to McConnell an...
Bob Cash
Thomas Sowell on: The Left’s Central Delusion
Thomas Sowell on: The Left’s Central Delusion "Its devotion to central planning has endured from the French Revolution to Obamacare" The fundamental problem of the political Left seems to be that the real world does not fit their preconceptions. Therefore they see the real world as wh...
Bob Cash
Video Report - Obama waives anti-terrorism provisions to arm Syrian rebels
The Obama administration waived provisions of a federal law which ban the supply of weapons and money to terrorists. The move is opening doors to supplying Syrian opposition with protection from chemical weapons. The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) allows the US president to waive provisions in Se...
Bob Cash
Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare
Today's opine by John Fund on the insult of Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare Make Congress get insurance the same way the little people do? Hill denizens howl in fury. see details at www.us1.me/130917
Bob Cash
Tammy Faye Boehner's Last Chance
Last Chance to let Boehner and the "establishment" know we don't want Obamacare, or anything about Obamacare Last week, Boehner and Eric Cantor tried to pull a "bait and switch" continuing resolution bill that our conservative leadership saw right through as a "prog...
Bob Cash
Legislation to allow training of volunteers, etc to recognize elder abuse!!
In seeing this weeks poll on whether or not AMAC should support legislation for the training of volunteers to recognize and report elder abuse, I could not believe that there is 'legislation' even being considered for this!!!! Blows my mind. WHY would we need our legislators approval and permiss...
skria and obamacare
how does everybody feel about Skria and obamacare I say stay out of Syria and defund obamacare
Thomas Sowell always finds the words to express exactly what the rest of us are thinking, but lack the eloquence to articulate, and today is no exception "Why get people killed to spare Barack Obama personal humiliation ?" "I cannot see why even a single American, a single Israel...
Bob Cash
Open Letter # 8 to Barack Obama
Dear Barack Obama, The American people have now officially dubbed you as the “Ringmaster” of the Muslim Brotherhood Three Ring Circus ! Our Guest Opine Today by Cynthia J Quinn see more at www.us1.me/130912
Bob Cash
SUBJECT: Syria Attack Consequences
Syria Attack Consequences - What Happens if a “Pin Prick” or any Attack, Doesn’t Work as Planned ? A guest opine by Col. Harry Riley US Army Ret. see more at www.us1.me/130911
Bob Cash
What you will NOT be told about Syria
What Obama will NOT be discussing when he goes public with his left handed war on TV tonight ever wonder WHY Russia is in bed with Syria and Obama is in bed with Saudi Arabia on the Syria question ? Well, it's the same as always, just FOLLOW THE MONEY - and it has little or NOTHING to do with chemical or bio...
Bob Cash
Video report - Krauthammer & Hewitt on Syria
Charles Krauthammer joined Hugh Hewitt on his radio show to bash President Obama's strategy on Syria. Krauthammer said he wasn't necessarily opposed to military action in Syria, but said, "The reason I'm for staying out is because this president doesn't know what he's doing." see mo...
Bob Cash
Will you defend everyone's right for religious expression ?
Will you defend everyone's right for religious expression ? A plea for assistance from Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (Ret), Executive Vice President, Family Research Council: see more at www.us1.me/130908
Bob Cash
Video report - Rand Paul vs John Kerry - Syria Yes, or Syria No ?
Watching Obama and Kerry scramble around like two farts in a skillet reminds me of the difference between world leaders and some guys who happen to get elected see more at www.us1.me/130905
Bob Cash
Say what????
Say what???? I assume this is an old piece; however it is the first time I’ve seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6To86_plhWw Just when you think you have heard all of the stupi...
Senior Crusader
The Architect of Destruction
This is so well written defining the decline of the USA as we know it. Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to pl...
Senior Crusader
Obama NOW says he did NOT draw a Red Line ??
2 Videos report - Obama NOW says he did NOT draw a Red Line ?? Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was shocked, on-camera, after learning that Obama had denied drawing a “red line” on Syria. Fox News Greta Van Susteren highlighted Obama’s Wednesday statement that he didn’t alone draw a “red...
Bob Cash
Guest Op/Ed on Attacking Syria by Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
We have a bunch of politicians that have allowed Obama to gut the US military and now making “war like” sounds when backed up by a war weary, “hollow” US military and no public support. see more at www.us1.me/130904
Bob Cash
Rubio is a dirtbag - now confirmed
Flake, Graham, McCain, Murkowski and Rubio voted along with every Democrat against Chuck Grassley's Admendment number 1195 to "gang of 8" Immigration proposal (S.744) which would prohibit the granting of registered provisional immigrant status until the Secretary (Napolitano)...
Bob Cash
The time to take sides in Syria was 2 years ago, Obama
Now is NOT the time for intervention in any meaningful manner and your best option is to eat a little crow on your BS red-line and do NOTHING If you had acted 2 years ago, BEFORE Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood took leadership positions in the rebels movement, we, the USA, could have made a differenc...
Bob Cash
We have reached the One Million Mark to STOP funding Obamacare
Over one million people have joined with Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, and Representative Tom Graves, in the effort to STOP all funding for Obamacare The month of September is crucial in this effort, as the House must pass and the Senate must confirm some form of continuing resolution (CR) to all...
Bob Cash
an exit strategy from Syria that will work for Obama
this is NOT rocket science folks, it is simple, basic, common sense, logic and faith in our founding fathers > see - www.us1.me/130901
Bob Cash
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians Claim Rebels Behind Chemical Attack
Ghouta, Syria - As the machinery for a U.S. led military intervention in Syria gathers pace following last week’s chemical weapons attack, the U.S. and its allies may be targeting the wrong culprit. Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical we...
Bob Cash
Senator Jim DeMint speaks to several issues awaiting Congress return ......
Jim DeMint is one of our favorite conservative voices and has the most consistant conservative voting record of any Senator that we know of today he discusses Obamacare, Immigration, Farm Bill and severl other topics that are pending before Congress when they return from their August vacation ...
Bob Cash
China joins Russia in telling Obama - "mind your own business"
Can you give me one legitimate reason for the United States to spend our blood and treasure on the side of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria ? Obama and Kerry say that Assad has used chemical weapons against his own people (but NOT against Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood ?) Why were we not c...
Bob Cash
Bill O'Reilly on MLK's "I have a dream" speech
Bill O'Reilly on MLK's "I have a dream" speech of 28 August 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC those who follow Bill O'Reilly know of his taking the lead in exposing the race hustlers and poverty pimps regarding fixing the problems that besiege the broken family syndrome so pre...
Bob Cash
Video Report - Obama Freedom Fighters in Syria
As Obama, Kerry, McCain et al "analyze" the situation in Syria; we remind you that in order to take military action we must be on the side of the rebel forces who are led and dominated by Al Queda ISIS forces as you watch the attached video showing the graphic murder – execution style – of 3 Syri...
Bob Cash
Rubigration Update
Rubigration = Amnesty for 10 to 30 Million illegals NOW, more later The gang of 8 "Rubigration" bill already passed by the Senate provides immediate "provisional status" to the 10 to 30 million illegals already in the USA We say, if you make these folks pay taxes and pay fines or...
Bob Cash
Contact Senate and House of Representatives members of Congress
Today we launch our Contact Congress feature which lists ALL Senators and Representatives for the 50 States, including their #twitter account, DC Office Phone number, DC Office Fax number and links to their public webmail accounts and other local office contact information Please check your are...
Bob Cash
Rev Obama, Rev Oprah, Rev Al and Rev Jesse agree, Zimmerman is GUILTY
Rev Barack Obama and Rev Oprah Winfrey have joined with the Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Jeremiah Wright and Rev Louis Farrakhan in denouncing the George Zimmerman verdict as obviously racist and forced by the vast right wing conspiracy groups headed up by Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, S...
Bob Cash