AMAC Offers Petition on Debt Ceiling and Budget Cuts
AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, has petitioned the Obama Administration to commit to a 2% across the board budget cut for 2014, in exchange for allowing the debt ceiling to be raised one more time.The 2% budget cut wold be based on 2013 spending levels. Each Department Secreta...
Dan L
Megan Kelly loses it over sideways obama deal
Video Report - Megan Kelly loses it over sideways obama deal Megyn Kelly kicked off her show Tuesday night utterly bewildered at a report she touted as striking another blow for Obamacare, after two whole months of problem after problem plaguing the health care website. This time, it's about the pay...
Bob Cash
Obamacare website is NOT secure, PERIOD
Video Report - Obamacare website is NOT secure, PERIOD Here is “white hat” hacker David Kennedy in a segment recorded back before Thanksgiving telling CNBC that Healthcare.gov is a smoking volcano of security problems. Video Report at > www.us1.me/131204
Bob Cash
my guest opine for International News
Take a look at my guest op ed in International News yesterday http://www.international.to/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18559:how-to-hedge-inflation-with-real-property-arbitrage&catid=103:real-estate-news&Itemid=277
Bob Cash
oh oh, many young consumers won’t get subsidies
Video Report - Uh oh: Many younger consumers won’t get subsidies in ObamaCare exchanges CNN analysis shows that in the largest city in nearly every state, many low-income younger Americans won’t get any subsidy at all. Administration officials said the reason so many Americans won’t receive a sub...
Bob Cash
Video Report - How Alan Colmes and the socialist democrat liberals think
The Liberal Progressive Democratic chain of thought: Benghazi? What difference does it make? AP scandal? I'm not a reporter. IRS scandal? It just happened to the Tea Party. Fast and Furious? So what, if some Mexicans died. Solyndra? It was only $500,000,000, and we need clean energy. Obamacare? O...
Bob Cash
Wait until the other Obamacare shoe drops in 2014
Video Report - Wait until the other Obamacare shoe drops in 2014 Rush Limbaugh warned listeners that problems caused by Obamacare are only going to get worse, arguing that when the other Obamacare “shoe” drops in 2014 - impacting employer-provided health care plans - “all hell is gonna break lose.”...
Bob Cash
Video Report - Why does Kathleen Sebelius still have her job ?
Video Report - Why does Kathleen Sebelius still have her job ? Michael F. Cannon, the Cato Institute’s director of health policy studies, has recently been warning Americans about the ramifications of the U.S. Senate unleashing the “nuclear option” and what it means for the nation’s healthcare in...
Bob Cash
Loyalty and the importance of the pledge of allegiance
Listening to the U.S. Senate proceedings on Nov. 22, 2013, I was struck by the reciting of the pledge of allegiance, and the fact that we have taken saying the pledge of allegiance to our country out of our schools... we no longer teach loyalty to our children. I would thus venture to say that this is why t...
Obama Will Set Record for Judicial Appointments
Video Report - Obama Will Set Record for Judicial Appointments "There's going to be no president in modern history that's appointed such a large share of judges as Obama's going to be able to appoint by the end of his term." Video Report at > www.us1.me/131126
Bob Cash
Video Report - Harry Reid and the "nuclear option"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) used the "nuclear option" to eliminate the free and open debate of judicial nominations. Harry Reid did this because he knows Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will let him get away with it. The only way to deter a nuclear attack is to make it clear...
Bob Cash
The War Against Achievement
The War Against Achievement by Thomas Sowell A friend recently sent me a link to an inspiring video about an upbeat young black man who was born without arms. It showed him going to work -- unlike the record number of people living on government payments for "disabilities" that are far le...
Bob Cash
The Battle of Athens (1946)
The Battle of Athens (1946) Glenn Beck did a segment on his show yesterday regarding the Battle of Athens in 1946 which many people have never heard of - it reminded us about the made for TV movie some 15 years ago, and which did an excellent job of telling that story The Battle of Athens (sometimes call...
Bob Cash
Is There a Trial Lawyer in the House ?
Is There a Trial Lawyer in the House ? - by Ann Coulter The only "crisis" in health care in this country is that doctors are paid too little. (Also they've come up with nothing to help that poor Dennis Kucinich.) But the Democratic Party treats doctors like they're Klan members. They wail abo...
Bob Cash
Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate Hedge
Video Report - Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate Hedge According to Fabian Calvo of TheNoteHouse.us, the Fed is printing way more than $85 billion a month to prop up the economy. See Video Report at > www.us1.me/131119
Bob Cash
Video Report - it is time to replace Mitch McConnell
Video Report - it is time to replace Mitch McConnell Matt Bevin is a candidate for the Senate seat presently held by Mitch McConnell and is cut in the breed of true conservatives like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz - he has our full and unqualified support in helping bring this Country back to sanity See Video R...
Bob Cash
Follow Up on Operation Underground Railroad
Operation Underground Railroad UPDATE If ever there was a worthwhile cause to support with your generous contribution, this is the ONE the sexual abuse these animals impose on our defenseless children defies words and any excuse the do-gooders can possibly come up with - the only rehabilitation f...
Bob Cash
Operation Underground Railroad
Operation Underground Railroad If ever there was a worthwhile cause to support with your generous contribution, this is the ONE the sexual abuse these animals impose on our defenseless children defies words and any excuse the do-gooders can possibly come up with - the only rehabilitation for thes...
Bob Cash
Why there is a division between conservatives and moderates in the republican party
Why there is a division between conservatives and moderates in the "R" party O'Reilly, you claim to be a simple man who only wants to base your opine on facts, and NOT emotions or ideology, so here are some facts for you to digest See more at > www.us1.me/131114
Bob Cash
Sowell and Williams: a real dynamic duo
Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams: a real dynamic duo ! You need not look any further for the cold hard truth, as there isn't a Leftist alive, or display in Red Square, that could go head-to-head with these two gentlemen in the realm of ideas and the proclamation of truth This video is from a disc...
Bob Cash
Why Obama can NOT extend the individual mandate
The only way out for Obama, the "D"s and the "R"s is to CHANGE THE LAW Who among you think Obama, Hillary, Reid and Pelosi will allow the law to be changed ? O'Reilly ? See more at > www.us1.me/131112
Bob Cash
ocare; trainwreak or suicide attack ?
obamacare isn't a trainwreak it's a suicide attack ? OK, wow, Obama "apologized" for sticking it to the people, so now everything is allright ? NO blinky, not a damned thing has changed, has it ? and guess what, not a damned thing is going to change Listen to this rant by Wayne Allen Root, whi...
Bob Cash
Obamacare negotiations for Unions
Obamacare negotiations for Unions The Obama administration is poised to give some labor unions a break from costly fees under the Affordable Care Act, a move that some say is calculated to placate a key White House ally. In regulations published last week, the administration said it intends to prop...
Bob Cash
I have to tell you, if this happened to me
STORY THAT MADE BECK SO ANGRY HE SAID HE’D ‘SUE THE PANTS OFF THEM’ AND ‘LEAVE THEM WITH NOTHING’ “I have to tell you, if this happened to me … I would go crazy,” Beck said. “I would sue the pants off them … I would leave them with nothing. And I would want justice.” Beck spoke with the lawyers of the New Mexic...
Bob Cash
Thanks to our long time friend and supporter Victor for reminding us that after some 6 years, we still know very little about this guy in the Whitehouse who is causing a lot of confusion, pain and suffering for the 53% of us who work to support the 47% who don't, can't or won't work Is it not time to stop the h...
Bob Cash
social security ?
so what are they going to stop paying social security checks? Are they going to still pay out welfare checks to get there votes?
The Forgotten Man.
THE TRUTH REPRESENTED IN A PAINTING.It took guts to paint this picture; he'll probably pay a price!Watch this short video! AND THEN click to see his second piece of art...WOW! http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/09.10/forgottenman.html
Senior Crusader
Obama and Single Payer System
Video Report - Obama and Single Payer System Bill O'Reilly and others are talking as if Obama "didn't want to know about the failures of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare - We strongly disagree and offer this litany of obamaisms in support of our contention that this was, is, and will continu...
Bob Cash
amac what are the doing for americs
hi I live I Colorado and aarp is running adds to get rid of Mike Coffman! what are they doing about Obamacare working on a budget, getting the government back to the people aarp was sending me stuff they were doing I did not agree with them and is why I left them and came to Amac
What’s Going On? You Decide!
28Oct You decide… Hmmmmmmmm. But remember this is same President who by executive order has place himself in control of public communication system and the ability to declare martial law without the permission of Congress. The same President, who has armed a civilian army (homeland security)...
Senior Crusader