Do you Trust Barack Obama ?
Video Report - Do you Trust Barack Obama ? - Boehner does ? I certainly do NOT and I don't think you should either, because, he is a "confirmed" liar who we now know has lied to the American people on a regular, habitual and pathological basis - PERIOD !!! www.us1.me/140304
Bob Cash
Tea Party PAC Endorses challenge to Boehner
Tea Party PAC Endorses challenge to Boehner Tea Party Leadership Fund Endorses J.D. Winteregg to challenge Boehner in OH-8 for May 5th Primary On February 22, 2014, the Tea Party Leadership Fund Pac held a straw poll forum at the Gathering Place in Eaton, Ohio. Ohio 8th Congressional candidates Eri...
Bob Cash
TEXAS - Do you REALLY want to make a difference ?
TEXAS - Do you REALLY want to make a difference ? Vote for this TEA candidate and force a run-off in Texas Governor race Lisa Fritsch became a conservative in the second grade and a Republican in college www.us1.me/140228
Bob Cash
Beck and Hannity Have Harsh Words for the GOP
Video Report - Beck and Hannity Have Harsh Words for the GOP “The Republican Party is uninspiring,” Hannity said flatly during an interview on Beck’s radio program. “They are timid and afraid of their own shadow. And like the Democrats, they seem most concerned about one thing and one thing only, and...
Bob Cash
Ted Nugent and CNN wuss
Video Report - Ted Nugent and CNN wuss It is amazing that CNN will focus on words, which hurt NOBODY but will not focus on four dead Americans in Benghazi! www.us1.me/140226
Bob Cash
Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved
Video Report - Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury www.us1.me/140225 -- Edited by Bob Cash on Tuesday 25th of February...
Bob Cash
McConnell and Cornyn plus 10 join Harry Reid
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), and Minority Whip John Cornyn (TX), voted "aye" in the cliffhanger cloture vote, when the count appeared short of the 60 votes needed. Roll Call said a dozen Republicans voted with Democrats, most after McConnell and Cornyn led the way. www.us1....
Bob Cash
Obama and his FCC goons
Video Report - Obama and his FCC goons Beck rant on Obama and his FCC goons before they called off this particular assault on the Constitution www.us1.me/140224
Bob Cash
SAVE Justina Pelletier from the State
Video Report - SAVE Justina Pelletier from the State Glenn Beck said Wednesday that he doesn’t care if just “four people” read the news stories - he wants his network TheBlaze to continue covering 15-year-old Justina Pelletier’s case until it is resolved. www.us1.me/140221
Bob Cash
Coca-Cola America the Beautiful Commercial
Hi all. I am new to this forum. Hopefully, I won't encounter the derrogatory and crude remarks that I put up with for a long time in another forum. At any rate, I found the Coca-Cola Commercial rather abrasive. While I understand Coca-Cola wants to demonstrate that they are politically correct an...
I say time to impeach
People may like to throw around rhetoric about how congress is broken, but I would rather see these battles being fought out in congress, than in the streets among the people, like you see in other countries. Congress is representative of the state of our nation today. If the fighting in congress is...
All In The Family - DC Style
Video Report - All In The Family - DC Style The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country....
Bob Cash
Term Limits
It would be tough and take several years; however, in my opinion, it would solve a lot of problems. I would like to propose one term for the president (6yrs); US Senators (8yrs) and US representative (4yrs). With no reason to do things to get re-elected, these elected officials might begin doin...
November 2014 is the key,we must vote in order to save our country.We need to gain 6 seats in the Senate and we must hold onto the House,every vote counts.
A defense the kosher rich?
Here in Texas this week! A defense team psychologist said the teen who drove drunk and killed four people suffered from "affluenza," a condition where a person feels shielded from problems by money. My observations. I’m sure that we’ve all seen this headline, and are aware of the outcry t...
Senior Crusader
Mitch McConnell must go - Help us make it Happen
Video Report - Mitch McConnell must go - Help us make it Happen Join Erick Erickson and the Senate Conservatives Fund in sending Matt Bevin to Congress and sending Mitch McConnell packing !!! McConnell's most recent scumbag act of voting for cloture on the Debt Ceiling Increase in order to prevent Te...
Bob Cash
question....... not sure where to put this............
I have no idea where to ask this question, but here goes. I joined AMAC and my Family joined to offset and combat aarp(no caps for the thieves) now I am hearing that the conservative world is yet again divided with another group calling themselves....America now or something such as. my question....w...
A Special Message from Sean Hannity
A Special Message from Sean Hannity Fellow Patriot, The big-government politicians and consultants of both parties believe the Tea Party's time has passed. They believe it no longer has the power, the enthusiasm, or the organizational muscle to fight their corruption and cronyism. They are dead...
Bob Cash
Lupus and MS - bumps in the Obamacare road
Lupus and MS - bumps in the Obamacare road People with serious pre-existing diseases, precisely those the president aimed to help with ObamaCare, could find themselves paying for expensive drug treatments with no help from the health care exchanges. Those with expensive diseases such as lupus or...
Bob Cash
it's official now, Boehner is Obama's House Bitch
it's official now, Boehner is Obama's House Bitch 28 depublicans - Tammy Faye Boehner, the depublican leadership and depublican committee chairman have seen the error of their ways, have now come to their senses and joined forces with Nancy Pelosi in supporting Obama's increasing the debt ceilin...
Bob Cash
some FACTS about immigration you should know
Video Report : some FACTS about immigration you should know Immigration - Global "humanitarian reasons" for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census B...
Bob Cash
Banksters, Gangsters and the Clergy
Video Report : Banksters, Gangsters and the Clergy The people at the top of nearly every organization are in on this ! Beware, it is a requirement for all heads of top religions, governments, corporations, organizations, races, religions, or creeds etc. Don't blame just one religion or race as th...
Bob Cash
Time for Convention of States ?
Video Report : Time for Convention of States ? Though a convention of states has not been held since the nation’s founding, it has grown increasingly popular as a response to what many see as overreach from the federal government. Through Article V of the U.S. Constitution, states can propose ame...
Bob Cash
Katrina Pierson for US Congress - TX32
Video Report : Katrina Pierson for US Congress - TX32 Tea Party Express is holding press conferences throughout the Dallas, Texas area to endorse Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson for U.S. Congress in Texas' 32nd Distrct to replace Pete Sessions (R) who votes with Nancy Pelosi and the Socialist De...
Bob Cash
Agenda21 + Global Warming = NWO
Video Report : Agenda21 + Global Warming = NWO A little background on Agenda 21, Global Warming, ICLEI and the New World Order - they are ALL the SAME ...... In 1992 Bush 41 signed the "Rio Accord" at the Rio Earth Summit in Brazil - This "accord" has never been ratified by Congress...
Bob Cash
O'Reilly - Obama Interviews
Video Report : Arab Obama Lies, as usual O'Reilly interview with Hussein Obama prior to the superbowl in case you missed it, and Glenn Beck's take on how the interview went www.us1.me/140204
Bob Cash
Mike Lee Grills Eric Holder
Video Report : Mike Lee Grills Eric Holder on Obamas Executive Orders, Obamacare Attorney General Eric Holder was unable to explain to Congress why Obama was within his constitutional limits when he issued an executive order to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate. Holder said he hasn’t looked at t...
Bob Cash
Support Real Conservative Scott Walker
Video Report : Support Real Conservative Scott Walker Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker beat the labor unions, is leading the fight against Obamacare, and ordered the national parks in his state to remain open when Obama ordered them closed last October. Obama hates Scott Walker and is right now doi...
Bob Cash
Video Report : America's First Dictator
Video Report : America's First Dictator - or did you not understand what Obama said ? Glenn Beck regarding President Obama’s State of the Union address, saying “all they do is spin and lie.” “I say this, honestly, with a heavy heart today,” Beck said on his radio program. “What a sick, despicable circu...
Bob Cash
SOTH - a different view
Video Report : Mark Levin says best what Obama's agenda is www.us1.me/140129
Bob Cash